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Rose and Harry had barely entered the Great Hall when Rose's wrist was grabbed and she was pulled away. Rose let out a yell and started fighting.

"Calm down! It's just me!" Draco yelled as he clutched his nose where Rose had elbowed him.

"Rose?" Harry asked hesitantly as he glanced between her and Draco. Blaise and Theo were standing behind Draco.

"It's fine," Rose told Harry, giving his hand a squeeze before following after Draco, Blaise and Theo into an empty classroom.

"Everyone knows," Draco said immediately.

"I know," Rose said. "I told Dumbledore it was okay to reveal what I can do."

"Why?" Blaise asked.

"What other option was there?" Rose asked. "The whole school saw James and Lily."

"I'm sure you could've come up with a lie," Draco scoffed. Rose knew that he wasn't trying to be mean, but she frowned at his tone anyways.

"The Dark Lord is furious," Blaise said softly. "He...he wants you even more now that he knows you can bring people back to life."

"Only people that I love and I'm pretty sure that I have to die, too," Rose corrected.

"Do you think he cares?" Theo asked. His usual happiness was gone and he looked miserable. He had dark bags under his eyes and was pale.

"Are you one too?" Rose whispered.

"I don't have the mark," Theo said.

"That doesn't answer my question," Rose said, her mind going to Narcissa. Theo clenched his jaw and looked away.

"Look, stay inside the castle and never be alone," Draco warned. "There are some other Slytherins who are Death Eaters, and they agree with the Dark Lord completely. They'll do anything to get you for him."

"What about you guys?" Rose asked.

"We have our own mission," Blaise said tensely.

"I told my parents and Dumbledore about you guys," Rose said. The three boys looked at Rose with shock and worry.

"And? Can they help us?" Blaise asked, his eyes flickering to Theo.

"They can...but it's possible they won't be able to until summer break," Rose told them. Theo cursed and started kicking the desks. Rose stepped back in shock as the boy collapsed to the floor in tears.

"I hate this!" Theo sobbed. Blaise kneeled down and tried to grab Theo's shoulders, but the boy pushed him away. 

"Theo, calm down," Draco warned.

"How?" Theo yelled as he stood up and started pacing. "You guys are Death Eaters and I'll be forced to get the mark this summer! Rose is wanted by the worst people you'll ever meet! Who knows when or if I'll be able to be with Blaise again, and the people we thought could help us can't do anything!"

"Theo, please," Rose whispered as she tentatively placed a hand on his arm. He immediately wrapped her in a hug and started crying on her shoulder.

"I don't want to be here anymore," Theo sobbed.

"Be where, Theo?" Blaise asked, his voice shaky.

"Here! Alive!" Theo yelled.

"Theo, you don't mean that," Draco said, his eyes wide.

"I don't," Theo whispered. "But I don't know how much longer I can live like this."

"We'll help you," Rose told him. "We'll be here every step of the way."

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