quidditch players and veelas

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It took Rose much longer than normal to make her way to the seat at the table. Everyone was trying to get to Krum, but he didn't seem to pay attention to anyone.

"Do you think he'll sign with lipstick?" Rose heard a girl shriek.

"Really," Hermione huffed as she passed the girl, who was being trampled by her friends who were trying to get the lipstick.

"Do any of you have a quill?" Ron questioned.

"Nope," Rose said.

"Same. All mine are in my bag in my dorm," Harry said. Ron huffed and plopped down in his seat.

All of the Beauxbatons students were shivering in their seats and looking around the Great Hall with disgust. They were sitting at the Ravenclaw table, but they were separated from the Hogwarts students, seemingly disgusted by them.

"It's not that cold," Hermione huffed. "Why didn't they bring cloaks?"

"Over here, psst, over here! Hermione scoot over and make room! Over here!" Ron was hissing.

"What are you doing?" Rose questioned.

"It doesn't matter. They're sitting over there," Ron huffed once more. Rose turned and saw that the Durmstrang students, including Krum, were sitting at the Slytherin table. Malfoy looked ecstatic at their placement.

"They look a lot happier than the Beauxbatons lot," Harry noted.

Rose agreed. The Durmstrang lot had taken off their heavy cloaks and were looking around, seemingly impressed.

"Why is he adding chairs?" Hermione asked. Rose turned and saw Filch, who was wearing a horrible old coat, adding four new chairs, two on each side of Dumbledore.

"But there are only 2 new people?" Harry pondered. "Who else is coming?"

"Eh?" Ron replied. It was obvious that he wasn't paying attention to them at all and was instead watching Krum.

"Someone has a crush," Rose teased in a singy voice.

"Yeah, yeah, you and Harry, whatever," Ron responded, still looking away. Both Rose and Harry blushed profusely. "Do you think Krum would like me? Like, as a person?"

"I do not like Harry, that's crazy. He's my best friend," Rose defended herself. Harry seemed to deflate a little at her words, but she didn't notice. "Anyways, why would it matter if Krum liked you? He's just a normal person."

"Yeah, right. Hermione and I have a bet that you'll kiss for the first time at the end of this year," Ron said with a wave of his hand, still looking at Krum. Rose and Harry glared at Hermione who covered her face with a book on House elves. "And it matters because I want to be his friend."

"Ok, first, you bet on us?! That's crazy!" Rose started.

"You two bet on Hermione!" Ron pointed out, looking at his friends again for a split second before looking back at Krum.

"You two what?!" Hermione asked, her voice squeaky.

"You explain," Rose whispered loudly to Harry who rolled his eyes.

"Well...on the first day, maybe, we made a bet that you would start eating again the next day and Rose added that you would start an organization," Harry explained.

"I won," Rose added. Hermione just huffed and went back to reading her book.

"And, Ron, Krum is, like, eighteen years old. Why would he want to be friends with a fourteen year old?" Rose asked. Ron looked down at the table and mumbled something.

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