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Every head was turned to Harry as whispers filled the room. Rose felt as if she couldn't breath.

"Who is Briar Rose Black?" She could hear people whisper.

"Is she related to Sirius Black?" Another voice asked.

Mcgonagall had gotten to her feet and was whispering to Dumbledore.

"I didnt put my name...our names, in, I swear," Harry said to Rose, who stared up at him with wide eyes.

"I know," Rose whispered back, grabbing his hand.

"Harry and Briar Rose, up here please!" Dumbledore said.

"Go on," Hermione whispered, pushing Harry and Rose. They both stood up, still holding hands, and the Great Hall filled with whispers. Rose turned to Hermione and saw that her eyes were filled with tears of worry. Ron, however, looked angry. Rose didn't have time to ponder that because she was in front of Dumbledore before she knew it.

"Harry, Rose, through the door please," Dumbledore whispered to the two. The pair walked past all the teachers and received many different looks, but most were just looks of shock. Rose felt Harry's hand shaking in hers and noticed that she was shaking as well.

In the chamber, Fleur, Cedric and Krum were gathered around a fire, but they weren't talking. They all turned to the pair in confusion. Cedric was the only one who realized that something bad must have happened.

"What happened? Do they want us back?" Fleur asked. Harry just shook his head no as Rose grabbed him around his middle and shoved her face into his chest, letting out small sobs. Cedric made a step towards her, but stopped when Harry sent him a glare, his arms firmly wrapped around Rose's shoulders.

Rose didn't know what to do. Everyone knew who she was now and she was in danger, just like Harry. Everyone would be staring and whispering about her and she didn't think she could deal with it.

There was the sound of feet entering the room, causing Harry to look up. He still didn't let go of Rose, but ran his hand up and down her back instead.

"Extraordinary! Gentlemen..lady, may I please introduce the fourth and fifth members of the Triwizard Tournament?" Ludo Bagman announced, gesturing to Harry and Rose. Rose let out a louder sob at his words.

Viktor and Fleur seemed to think it was a joke.

"Oh, very funny joke, Mr. Bagman," Viktor said, his voice tight. Rose turned her head and saw him glaring at Mr. Bagman.

"Joke? Oh, no! Harry and Briar Rose's names came out of the goblet!" Ludo explained.

"But...that makes no sense. They are too young!" Fleur argued. Rose stepped away from Harry and started running her hands through her hair, stopping when they reached her braid. She started pacing as she tried not to hyperventilate. Ludo didn't seem to notice.

"Well, the age restriction was just added as a precaution. And, well, their names came out of the goblet. There's no getting around it. They'll just have to do the best-"

Ludo was cut off by the door opening and all the headmasters, plus Mcgonagall, Snape, Moody and Mr. Crouch entered.

"Madame Maxime!" Fleur rushed forward. "They are saying that these children are going to compete!"

"What is the meaning of this Dumbledore?" Madame Maxime asked, anger in her voice.

"I'd like to know that myself," Karkaroff added. "Three Hogwarts champions seems a little unfair, don't you think?"

Rose let out a little whine as her head started pounding. Harry came over and made her sit down on a chair as he squatted in front of her. He held her hands open as he noticed that she was squeezing her fingernails into the palms of her hands. He didn't even notice her palms healing themselves.

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