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It took Rose a few days to feel completely better, but she was glad to be healthy again. While she still couldn't eat as much, Rose was finally able to keep food and water down.

"One more day and you probably would have died," Mr. Ollivander said as he handed Rose some more bread.

"I felt like I was dying," Rose sighed.

"I knew you wouldn't die," Luna said dreamily. "You have too much life left to live."

"It doesn't always feel that way," Rose said softly.

"Well, it should," Luna said. Rose glanced at Luna, only to be sucked into a vision.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lovegood," Harry said as he stuck out his hand for a handshake. He was standing in front of an odd house a s trying to talk to Xenophilius Lovegood. "I'm Harry Potter."

Xenophilius didn't shake Harry's hand, causing the boy to awkwardly lower it.

"Would it be okay if we come in?" Harry asked since Xenophilius wasn't talking. "We have something we need to ask you about."

"I'm not sure that's the best idea," Xenophilius said anxiously as he glanced around.

"It won't take long," Harry said.

"Fine," Xenophilius sighed. "Inside. Quickly!"

Harry, Hermione and Ron all hurried into the house. The walls were all colorful and there were odd trinkets everywhere.

"You better come up," Xenophilius said. The trio shared a look before following the man to an upstairs room. The room was just as crowded and bright as the one downstairs, and there were several copies of the Quibbler laying around.

"Why did you come here?" Xenophilius asked as he looked at Harry.

"Mr. Lovegood, what is that?" Hermione gasped as she pointed to a horn on the wall.

"It's the horn of a Crumple Horned Snorkak," Xenophilius answered.

"No it's not!" Hermione said. "It's an Erument horn and it's highly dangerous! It can explode at the lightest touch!"

"It's the horn of a Crumple horned snorkak," Xenophilius repeated. "And it's a Christmas present for my Luna. Now, why have you come?"

"We need help," Harry said.

"Hmm...helping Harry Potter...that could be dangerous," Xenophilius said as he looked around the room.

"Aren't you the one telling people to help Harry?" Ron asked.

"Oh...yes," Xenophilius said.

"Where's Luna?" Hermione asked.

"She's out fishing. She would like to see you. Let me go get her," Xenophilius said before hurrying out of the room.

"Cowardly old man," Ron grumbled.

"He's probably just nervous. We're the most wanted people in the wizarding world right now," Harry said.

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