the trial

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The next few days were filled with cleaning the house. Tonks had joined them one afternoon and helped them with a ghoul hiding in a toilet. Remus had been forced to fix the grandfather clock that sent out bolts all the time. He was not very happy when he was done. Mundungus had saved Ron from a set of robes that had tried to strangle him, making Mundungus much more likeable in Mrs. Weasley's eyes.

Hermione and Ron had started anxiously whispering about Harry's trial. Rose and Harry both couldn't stand it, meaning that they were spending much more time together. Rose had no more hard feelings towards Harry, and he was very glad.

"Harry, I've ironed your best clothes for tomorrow and you need to wash your hair tonight. A good first impression goes a long way," Mrs. Weasley informed him during dinner. Everyone stopped talking to look at them, and Rose grabbed Harry's hand under the table.

"How am I getting there?" Harry asked. Rose could tell that he was nervous, even though he was acting nonchalant.

"Arthur's going to be taking you to work with him," Mrs. Weasley answered.

"You can wait in my office until it's time to go," Mr. Weasley added. Harry nodded and looked to Sirius.

"Dumbledore doesn't think it's good for Sirius to go with you," Mrs. Weasley said when she saw Harry's glance.

"When did Dumbledore tell you that?" Harry asked.

"He came yesterday when you were in bed," Mrs. Weasley said. Sirius angrily stabbed a potato with a fork.

Dinner ended not long after and everyone went up to their rooms. Rose couldn't sleep, but she didn't want to bother her parents so she stayed in her room. It was 2 am when she heard footsteps outside her room. She got out of her bed and saw Harry walking in the hallway.

"Harry!" Rose whisper yelled. The boy jumped and quickly walked over to her door. "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep. I'm too nervous," Harry admitted. Rose grabbed his hand and started pulling him through the hallway. He followed her without question as she guided him to Regulus' room and opened the window.

"What are you doing?" Harry cried out when Rose stepped onto the roof. She rolled her eyes and gestured for him to follow, which he quickly did. The pair sat side by side and watched the stars.

"Can the muggles not see us?" Harry asked.

"Nope. Kinda strange to think about," Rose said.

"Yeah..." Harry mumbled. "Do you think I'll be expelled?"

"Of course not. It was self defense," Rose quickly said.

"Yeah, know what the Daily Prophet is saying. Everyone thinks I'm a liar," Harry replied. Rose grabbed his hand and forced him to look at her.

"They'll know you're not lying," Rose whispered. Harry and Rose stared into each others eyes.

"Your patronus is a doe," Harry whispered. It had bothered him for a while, because he knew what it might mean.

"It is," Rose said softly.

"Mine is a stag...and you heard what Voldemort said in the graveyard about soulmates...what does it mean?" Harry asked.

"I don't know...but I know that I'm happiest with I'm with you and we're not fighting," Rose admitted. Harry gave her a small smile and leaned in.

"Me too," Harry whispered. Their lips met once again and Rose placed her hand on his chest and he used his hand to pull her closer. The kiss was very awkward, as neither had had much practice. This kiss was longer and softer than the others, and both teens pulled away breathless.

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