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Hi! So, Hagrid talks like a normal person just cause it's easier to type lol. Imagine that he's talking like he does in the real book pls.

Rose barely had time to move out of the way before Harry shot up and sprinted to his room. Ron followed after him to change out of his quidditch uniform.

"I'm gonna go put on better clothes before we go see Hagrid," Hermione said.

"Oh, me too," Rose decided.

The two girls walked up to their room and changed, trying to not wake up Lavender or Parvati. Due to how quiet they had to be, they took over five minutes to change and get back to the common room.

"It's cold out there!" Hermione said when Ron gave them an exasperated look.

"Come on," Harry urged them. The quartet all got under the invisibility cloak, all of them except for Rose having to crouch due to how tall they were. It was a slow walk but they luckily saw no one other than Nearly Headless Nick, who was humming Weasley is our King. The second Harry saw the lights in Hagrid's hut, he started walking faster until he was knocking on the door. Fang immediately started barking.

"Hagrid! It's us!" Harry called.

"Should've known!" A gruff voice called, causing all the teens to smile at each other. "Bin home three seconds...out of the way, Fang...out of the way..."

The second the door was opened and the quartet could see Hagrid's face, Hermione let out a shriek and Rose flinched back.

"Merlin's beard, keep it down!" Hagrid demanded. "Under that cloak, are ya? Well, get in, get in."

The quarter shuffled into the room and threw the cloak off, gasping at Hagrid.

"I'm sorry," Hermione apologized. "It's just..."

"It's nothin," Hagrid assured her as he closed all the curtains.

"Maybe I could-?" Rose offered, knowing that everyone in the Order knew what she could do.

"No, you couldn't. Healin makes you tired and I'm a little too bruised up," Hagrid said as he turned around. There was blood matted all in his hair and beard and his left eye was barely open. He was covered in bruises and there were some open cuts. The way he moved led Rose to believe that he had some broken ribs, too. Hagrid limped over and started making tea.

"What happened to you?" Harry demanded. Rose sat on the floor and started rubbing Fang's belly as she looked to Hagrid.

"I told you, nothin," Hagrid said firmly. "Want a cuppa?"

"Come off it! Look at yourself!" Ron told him.

"I'm tellin ya, I'm fine," Hagrid insisted as he turned around, wincing as he did so. "Blimey, it's good to see you four. How were your summers?"

"Hagrid, you've been attacked!" Ron said.

"It's nothin," Hagrid grunted.

"Sure," Rose scoffed.

"You ought to see Madam Pomfrey or let Rose tend to your bigger cuts," Hermione said worriedly.

"I'm dealin with it," Hagrid insisted. He walked over and grabbed a large piece of green meat.

"Are you gonna eat that, Hagrid?" Ron asked. "It looks poisonous."

"It's supposed to look like that, it's dragon meat," Hagrid explained. "And I didn't get it to eat."

Hagrid slapped the piece of meat onto his face. Rose grimaced when some dragon blood dribbled down Hagrid's face into his beard.

"Ah, that's better," Hagrid sighed. "Helps with the stinging."

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