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Everyone wanted to know what happened under the water. Rose had asked Fred and George and they confirmed that the students had to stare at the lake for an hour. Rose thought this was very funny so she and Harry would tell every students who asked a different story. Hermione would tell them the truth while Ron would exaggerate everything. Draco would hex anyone who asked him about it so no one had ever heard his story.

Rose got quite an earful when she admitted that she was close to Draco. Ron and Harry were the most upset and accused her of betraying them. Hermione told her to be careful and then yelled at the boys for being rude.

Hermione was struggling to deal with all the attention. She was getting teased for being Viktor's hostage, although Rose had earned detention for a week straight because she hexed some rude students. Hermione assured Rose that she wasn't upset with Viktor and Rose could see that she actually was starting to like him.

March came and brought cold and harsh winds. The owls were delayed so it was the day before the Hogsmeade trip before Harry got a reply from Sirius.

"He says to meet him at the corner of Dervish and Banges at 2 and to bring food," Harry read. Rose sighed sadly and wished that her life wasn't so difficult.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron inquired, although he didn't sound too upset. He was used to Rose being overdramatic.

"I can't go," Rose explained.

"But it's Sirius!" Harry whisper yelled. They were at breakfast so they had to he careful about what they said in case someone overheard.

"The ministry won't let me leave," Rose said simply.


"Rose is right, Harry," Hermione interjected. "There have been ministry workers watching us at Hogsmeade the past few times we've gone. Snuffles is going to have to be really careful."

"He'll be fine. He's gone this long without getting caught and I doubt he'll do anything to ruin his freedom," Rose said. The tone of her voice made it clear to her friends that the conversation was done.

The quartet was anxious the whole rest of the day. Unfortunately, their last class was double Potions.

"There they are!" Pansy shrieked once the quartet entered the potions hallway. She was surrounded by Crabbe and Goyle and other Slytherins. Draco was leaning against the wall nearby, looking angry. Rose furrowed her eyebrows at him but he didn't say anything. Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini were whispering to him but he wasn't replying.

"Black, Granger! I'm sure you'll find something in here to make you happy!" Pansy laughed. She handed them a copy of Witch Weekly and watched as Rose opened it and skimmed through. She stopped when she got to a page with 4 wizarding photos on it.

The first photo was of Rose and Harry the night of the Yule Ball. They were dancing and talking when they suddenly looked at each other, their noses touching. Rose assumed this was a photo of their almost kiss. The next photo was of Rose and Cedric hugging in a hallway. Rose thought back and remembered the day of the wand weighing. The photo below was of Hermione and Harry. They were laughing and bumped their shoulders together. The final photo was of Hermione and Viktor talking after the second task.

Rose didn't have time to read the article when Snape opened the door and beckoned the class in. The quartet quickly sat down and started reading.

Harry Potter's Secret Heartache

A boy like no other perhaps. Deprived of love since the tragic loss of his parents, fourteen year old Harry Potter has found solace in two of his friends at Hogwarts. A muggle-born witch named Hermione Granger and then the daughter of mass-murderer Sirius Black, Briar Rose Black.

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