failed powers

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Hi! This chapter shows Rose at the Malfoy Manor so there's some torture and blood. If that makes you uncomfortable or anything feel free to skip over it. Also, the next few chapters are going to refer back to this one, but they won't be as bad.

Also! Just wondering if you guys imagine a certain celebrity as Rose or any of the other characters (specifically Marlene). I really want to add face claims but I'm kinda lost. Any suggestions?

Rose had barely taken two steps onto the platform when she was grabbed and apparated away. Rose harshly fell to the ground and looked up to see Lucius Malfoy snarling at her as he dropped the handle of her trunk next to her. Draco and his mum apparated much softer.

"Get up you stupid girl," Lucius hissed as he opened the gate that they landed in front of. Rose snarled but stood up. She grabbed the handle of her trunk and followed the family. The house was massive with a long driveway leading up to it. Rose could swear she saw white peacocks but Lucius had yelled at her to hurry up before she could further investigate.

The inside of the house was just as impressive as the outside. Rose could see room after room, including a large library. Rose had gotten to the base of the steps before anyone said anything.

"Stand there," Lucius said, his tone sounding bored. He snapped his fingers and a house elf appeared.

"Take the girl's trunk to her room," Lucius demanded. The house elf bowed deeply and grabbed Rose's trunk before disappearing with a loud pop.

"Briar Rose, are you hungry?" Narcissa asked. Rose hesitated for a second. Her voice sounded familiar.

"A little," Rose admitted. Narcissa started to snap her fingers when Lucius grabbed her hands.

"The girl will eat when I tell her she can. We're supposed to watch her, not treat her like royalty," Lucius drawled to his wife. Narcissa just nodded.

"Draco, take her to her room and give her the instructions," Lucius ordered before turning and walking away. Narcissa sent Rose a small smile before hurrying after her husband.

"Come on," Draco muttered. He led Rose up the steps and down so many hallways that Rose knew she would never be able to find her room by herself. Draco finally stopped in front of a room and opened the door.

There were two trunks in the room, one with Rose's Hogwarts stuff that the house elf had just brought up, and another that Rose assumed was from Remus' house. The walls were a light grey color and there was a queen sized bed in the middle of the room. The windows looked over the back of the property and Rose could see some gardens and a small quidditch pitch. There was also a window seat and three other doors.

"This room isn't bad," Rose told Draco.

"It's the smallest room in the house," Draco said with a shrug. Rose made a noise of disbelief.

"This is the smallest room? It's bigger than my whole house!" Rose choked out.

"This is your house. It sucks but if Father hears you say anything different, it won't be good for you," Draco said. Rose could hear that Draco was warning her. "Father says that you are to call him Mr. Malfoy and mum Mrs. Malfoy and nothing else. We will come get you for all meals and other than that you will not leave your room. The windows have been charmed not to open so don't try to open them. The door has also been charmed so you can't open that. You can't send any owls or talk to anyone. The bathroom is through that door, the closet through there, and that one is a small library. Any questions?"

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