holding hands

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Rose thought that she had never woken up earlier than she had the morning of the world cup. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep, but she instead had to get up early and eat breakfast. Rose noticed that she was still exhausted from healing her mother, but she was feeling more energized than she was yesterday. She was already at the table when Harry and Ron came down.

"What do you think? We're supposed to act like muggles?" Mr. Weasley asked Harry, referring to his clothes.

"Yeah, you're good," Harry said with a smile. Rose gave him a look as she knew he wasn't being completely honest. Mr. Weasley looked as if he just threw together random clothes.

"Where's Bill, Charlie and Percy?" George asked with a yawn. Rose looked around, noting the absence of the eldest Weasley sons.

"They're going to be apparating so they get to sleep in," Mrs. Wealsey explained.

"So they're still in bed? Why can't we apparate too?" Fred questioned.

"Because you're not of age and you haven't passed your test," Mrs. Weasley explained. "Lyn, where are Hermione and Ginny?".

"Ow! What- oh, sorry. They must still be getting ready," Rose explained after Harry elbowed her in her side. She kicked him in retaliation. The girl wasn't yet used to going by Rose and Lyn but she understood now more than ever why she had to.

"There's a test to apparate?" Harry asked, noting the confused looks on the twins when Rose didn't answer to her name.

"Oh, yes. There was a couple fined just the other day for apparating without a license. They splinched themselves and everything," Mr. Weasley answered. Everyone in the room grimaced except for Harry.

"Splinched?" Harry asked.

"They left part of themselves behind. They couldn't go either way. Big problem, of course. Lots of paperwork and the muggles that saw them..." Mr. Weasley trailed off and continued to eat his oatmeal.

"Were they ok?" Harry questioned, confused as to why no one else seemed upset at the fact that people literally split themselves in half. Rose snorted into her coffee, causing Harry to glare and kick her again. She kicked him back, but harder.

"Of course! They were put back together in no time! But I bet they won't be doing that again. Many wizards don't apparate- they prefer brooms or the floo network," Mr. Weasley explained to Harry. Rose marveled at the amount of patience he had for Harry, but she assumed part of the patience comes from payback for all the times Harry was forced to explain the muggle world to the man.

"Bill and Charlie and Percy can all apparate?"

"Charlie had to take the test twice. The first time he apparated onto a random muggle lady doing her shopping," Fred said with a grin. Rose let out a loud laugh at the thought and Harry smiled in her direction.

"Yes, well, he passed the second time," Mrs. Weasley said as she reentered the kitchen.

"Percy passed two weeks ago. He's been apparating everywhere just to remind us," George explained with a grimace.

"Don't act like you wouldn't do the same," Rose pointed out, causing George to stick his tongue out at her, leading to Mrs. Weasley to hit him in the head with a spatula.

"Why do we have to be up so early?" Ginny asked as she finally entered the kitchen with Hermione behind her.

"We have a bit of a walk," Mr. Weasley explained. Rose groaned and hit her head on the table.

"I don't even like quidditch!" Rose grumbled as she continuously hit her head on the table, only stopped when Harry put his hand in between her head and the table.

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