missing ears

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Rose immediately knew that the person hugging her was the real Harry. His familiar smell immediately identified him to her, and the way he was holding her was so familiar.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Harry asked quietly as Rose continued to sob and struggle to breath.

"I was so scared," Rose cried into Harry's shoulder.

"Me too," Harry admitted as he started gently rocking Rose. He saw Sirius, who had apparated him to the Burrow from the Tonks' house, whisper to Cedric. Sirius' face went from surprised to worried and shocked. He glanced at Harry and Rose before nodding at Harry and then hurrying into the house. Hagrid, who had brought Harry to the Tonks' house, followed Sirius into the house but Harry could see him go into the kitchen while Sirius went into a room.

"Ro, are you okay?" Harry asked.

"I should be asking you that," Rose said with a small laugh. She was finally able to breath normally, and she brought her hands up to wipe her face.

"Bloody hell," Harry muttered, stopping Rose before she could wipe Blaise's blood over her face. "Who got hurt?"

"Blaise," Rose answered.

"Zabini? The Death Eater?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Rose confirmed. Harry knew that there was more to the story and that Rose wasn't comfortable talking yet, so he pulled her into another tight hug.

"Is anyone else back?" Harry asked.

"No, you guys were the first," Rose said. "The other Portkeys all came back with no one with them, but George and Moony should be here within the minute."

Harry nodded as he inhaled Rose's familair scent.

"Har, where are Hedwig and Sandwich?" Rose asked, not seeing Harry's pets anywhere.

"They...they were killed," Harry whispered, his throat tight.

"No," Rose murmured, her heart sinking to her feet as she thought of the two pets that she considered her own. "How did they-?"

Rose wasn't able to ask her question because Remus and George appeared in the yard.

"Get someone!" Rose ordered Harry as she ran out to meet them. Remus was holding up George, who had blood running down the side of his face. Rose cursed as she let George put his arm over her shoulder.

"Oh!" Mrs. Weasley cried as she saw George. She guided them to the couch and immediately started tending to his wounds, Ginny helping her. Rose was able to see that his whole ear was missin and he had large scars on the side of his face and neck.

"Oi!" Harry yelled as he was pulled up by Remus, who shoved him against the wall and held his wand to his throat. Hagrid immediately protested, but Remus didn't move his wand.

"What was in the tank the first time that Harry Potter visited my office?" Remus asked harshly.

"A grindeylow!" Harry responded. Remus let Harry go.

"Sorry about that. We had to check. Someone told Voldemort about our plan," Remus explained.

"Remus," Sirius said tensely as he stuck his head into the room. Remus made eye contact with Sirius and immediately followed him into the room with Blaise.

"Here, let me help," Rose offered. Mrs. Weasley and Ginny moved away and let Rose heal George some. His ear hadn't grown back, obviously, but any open cuts had closed and the scars were less harsh.

"Thank you, dear," Mrs. Weasley sniffed. Rose nodded and stood up, stumbling some and coming to lean on Harry's chest. Remus came back out of the room with a clenched jaw.

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