13. fights and feuds

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Lyn thought that Hermione and Ron were never going to make up. Once again, Ron wasn't talking to Hermione and so she spent most of her time crying. Harry and Lyn were struggling to spend an equal time with both, not wanting to upset either person.

Ron was convinced that Hermione had let Crookshanks eat Scabbers and Hermione was convinced that the cat hairs could've been there since Christmas and that her cat was just acting every other cat if she did eat the rat. Ron's siblings had tried to comfort him about the loss of his pet, but nothing made him feel better.

Hermione was sticking to her cats innocence, stating that Crookshanks would never eat Scabbers. It wasn't long before Harry pointed out that Ron was probably right and that Crookshanks probably did eat Scabbers, so Hermione yelled at Harry too. Lyn was forced to spend her time with Hermione, Ron and Harry, and Cedric and avoid Remus on top of that. Lyn was so tired and stressed that any little thing would set her off.

As a last attempt to make Ron happy, Harry invited him to the quidditch practice. Lyn decided to tag along, tired of hearing Hermione cry and knowing that Cedric was doing homework.

Madam Hooch was observing the practice to make sure that Harry wasn't kidnapped or something like that. Just like everybody else, she was obsessed with the Firebolt.

"I really don't get what the big deal is," Lyn admitted to Ron.

"You're crazy! Blimey, that's the best broom to ever exist!" Ron yelled back.

"I know that, but it's just a broom," Lyn replied. Madam Hooch walked over at that time.

"What a magnificent broom," She sighed wistfully. Lyn huffed and plopped down over dramatically on the stands. Ron and Madam Hooch oohed and ahhed at every slight move Harry made on his broom. Lyn felt herself getting more and more bored and tired by the minute. Anytime she tried to talk to Ron, he just shushed her and once even put his hand to her face. He quickly apologized after she shot a few sparks at him with her wand. After a few more minutes, she decided enough was enough and she left the pitch.

"Ron, I'm going to go wait outside for you guys " Lyn told her friend.

"Yeah, sure," Ron mumbled, too engrossed in the practice and watching Harry to actually pay attention. Lyn huffed and walked out of the pitch only to be quickly grabbed by a strong set of arms.

"Ow! What was that for?!" The familiar voice of Cedric exclaimed as he shook his hand where he had slight burns. Lyn realized she she accidentally shot sparks at him too.

"Oops. Shouldn't have grabbed me," Lyn replied, her voice showing no actual care or regret.

"You're so funny," Cedric sneered but not unkindly.

"Don't grab me. It's easy. Wait, aren't you supposed to be doing homework?" Lyn asked.

"I just said that so my friends wouldn't annoy me. I'm watching Harry and his new Firebolt," Cedric sheepishly admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Nooooo. Not you too!" Lyn groaned. Cedric let out a loud laugh.

"You better get used to it. Everybody is gonna want to see it," Cedric said, a bright grin on his face.

"It's just a broom," Lyn replied, sounding a little angry at how obsessed everyone was with the Firebolt.

"No it's not! It's so much more! The Firebolt goes so fast and can go so high and it has so many features-"

"And I don't care," Lyn said, cutting Cedric off.

"Well, you should get used to hearing about it. It's all anyone can talk about now. Even the Slytherins," Cedric admitted.

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