the burrow

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"Are you sure you wanna go?" Marlene asked as she helped Rose pack. Tillie seemed to understand that she would have to leave, and she wasn't very happy. The cat would climb into thr trunk every few minutes in protest.

"I don't want the first time I see my friends again to be at the train station," Rose said.

"Fine. Just leave your parents and baby siblings," Marlene said dramatically. Rose sent her a look.

"I'm looking forward to actually sleeping," Rose told her mother, who snorted in agreement.

"Look, the article just came out like...five minutes ago. The Weasley's might not even know, and they might not even believe it. Be careful when you get there," Marlene warned.

"I think I'm more scared that they're gonna hate me," Rose admitted.

"Did Harry hate you?" Marlene asked.

" But last night he clung to me as if I would disappear. I think he maybe thinks that he's still dreaming and that's why he doesn't hate me," Rose said.

"That boy could never hate you," Sirius said with a snort as he entered the room. He had both of the twins in his arms, and they were making lots of noises.

"He could maybe hate me," Rose said as she grabbed the twins from her dad and sat on the bed.

"No he couldn't," Marlene and Sirius said at the same time. Rose rolled her eyes as she started playing with the twins, the sound of their laughter filling up the room.

"They're gonna be so big the next time I see them," Rose said sadly.

"We'll come to the train station to say goodbye, don't worry," Sirius assured her.

"I bet you're going to be going out in public all the time now," Rose smirked at him. Her smirk quickly turned into a grimace of pain when Sebastian started pulling on her hair.

"Not the muggle world. They still think I'm an escaped convict," Sirius said.

"Do you think Lily and James will try to come to the station too?" Rose asked, letting out a whine of pain when both Sebastian and Arabella started pulling on her hair.

"Well, Prongs can turn into a stag and Moody left a vial of Polyjuice Potion the last time he was here, so my guess is yes," Marlene said as she helped Rose detangle the twins' fingers from her hair.

"Ok, but imagine a stag in the middle of a train station. I doubt that'll go over well," Rose said as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

"I don't care," James said as he entered Rose's room.

"Why are you in here?" Rose asked.

"Cause I'm getting a snack," James replied as he started tickling the twins.

"This isn't the kitchen, Prongs," Sirius said.

"I know, but I heard my name," James said.

"How're things going?" Rose asked anxiously. Harry had been with his parents for basically the whole day.

"Really good," James said with a big smile on his face. "We looked through baby photos and then he asked us questions and then we asked him questions. He told us about Hogwarts and quidditch. We're telling him about our experience at Hogwarts now."

"Lily is probably telling Harry about how horrible you were," Marlene said. James' face fell as he realized that she was probably right. He ran back into the room, summoning random food as he did.

"Harry's gonna be so happy," Rose sighed happily as she picked up Sebastian and started fake slow dancing with him. Marlene quickly did the same with Arabella, both girls singing horribly out of tune as they danced.

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