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"Rose!" Hermione yelled as she tackled the girl in a hug. Sirius and Marlene went to greet the other adults, taking the twins with them and leaving Rose and Hermione.

"Hi Mione," Rose said.

"Let's talk," Hermione said as she dragged Rose by the wrist into Ron's room, where Harry was.

"Hi," Rose mumbled. Harry wrapped her in a hug and Rose let a small smile as he squeezed her waist a little before letting her go so she could sit next to him on his bed, across from Ron and Hermione. Hermione placed a muffliato charm on the room to prevent them from being overheard.

"We don't have long before Mum comes and makes us separate, but we need to tell us what we've been planning," Ron said.

"We're leaving the day after the wedding," Hermione said.

"The wedding is tomorrow," Rose reminded them.

"We know, but if we put it off then Voldemort will still be alive. We have to destroy the horcruxes now," Harry said.

"I'm still sixteen, so I have the trace. If I go with you guys, I might not be able to use magic until Christmas," Rose said, worry clear in her tone.

"What do you mean if?" Harry asked.

"I mean that you guys have planned this for a while, and I'm just now hearing about it," Rose said. "I don't know the logistics or anything. In case you forgot, we weren't talking much when you guys found out about horcruxes and everything."

"We can tell you everything. Rose, I can't do this without you," Harry said. Rose stared into his pleading eyes and let out a sigh.

"I'm still gonna go, don't worry," Rose said.

"What are you four doing?!"

Rose jumped into Harry's chest at Mrs. Weasley's voice. The woman looked angry as she examined the four teens with narrowed eyes.

"We have to get ready for your party tonight, Harry!" Mrs. Weasley chastised. Rose let out a gasp when she realized that Harry was officially seventeen. With everything going on, she had completely forgotten.

"Merlin, Mum," Ron grumbled as he stood up and stomped off to do whatever Mrs. Weasley had told him to do. Hermione went off as well, leaving just Harry and Rose.

"Aren't you coming?" Harry asked.

"I forgot your birthday," Rose said as tears filled her eyes. "I'm absolutely horrible."

"If anything, I'm the horrible one," Harry assured her. "I've put you through so much that I'm surprised you even want to be with me still. You don't need to get so worked up."

"It's one of the biggest birthdays too!" Rose said. "I didn't get a present or anything."

"You being here is the best present in the world," Harry assured her. Rose looked into her emerald eyes and was reminded of why she loved him.

"Is this a good enough present?" Rose asked. Harry went to ask what she was talking about, but Rose silenced him with a kiss. Harry immediately reciprocated the kiss, allowing it to go deeper until Rose was laying back on the bed as Harry kissed her neck. Rose could tell that he was leaving a few marks, but she didn't care. Her hands went under his shirt and were laying on his surprisingly toned stomach as his hands rubbed circles into her hips. His lips went back to hers when the door opened.

"My eyes!"

Rose pushed Harry off of her and sat up at her dads voice, ignoring Harry's groan of pain from falling on the floor.

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