Christmas parties

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"You have to stop looking better than me all the time," Harry fake complained as Rose joined him in the Enterance Hall. Rose grinned as she saw that Harry's dress robes were the same color red as her dress.

"And why would I do that?" Rose asked as Harry twirled her around. She leaned against his chest and tried to calm his hair some as his arms went around her waist.

"Cause it's not fair," Harry said, a small smile on his face.

"Don't worry," Rose said. "I think you're just as good looking as me."

"He's not," Ginny said with a smirk.

"Ginny!" Hermione gasped.

"Thank you for the confidence boost," Harry said sarcastically. Ginny smiled at him before walking off to find Dean. Hermione rolled her eyes as she waved goodbye, going off to find Cormac.

"Don't listen to her," Rose whispered as she stood up on her tippy toes to place a soft kiss on Harry's lips. "You're the cutest boy at this school."

"Not in the whole world?" Harry teased.

"Not even close," Rose said before stepping away and grabbing his hand. "Let's go be miserable at this party!"

Harry groaned as Rose forced him to Slughorn's office.

"Apparently there's supposed to be a vampire coming," Rose said.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. I saw Luna in the hallway earlier and she told me," Rose said. "She also said that the vampire was Rufus Scrimgeour, so I'm not sure if a vampire will actually be there."

"Wait, isn't that the Minister of Magic?" Harry asked. Rose nodded and Harry let out a small snort.

"Here we are," Rose sighed. Slughorn's office was very large and there were emerald, crimson and gold hangings all over the ceiling and walls. There was live music coming from a corner of the room, and house elves were moving through the students with trays filled with foods.

"Harry, m'boy!" Slughorn boomed the second Harry walked in the room. "Come in you two! There's people I'd like for you to meet!"

Slughorn gripped Harry's arm and started walking. Rose tried to sneak away, but Harry sent her a glare and tightened his grip on her hand.

"Meet Eldred Worple, an old student of mine and now an author," Slughorn introduced. "And his friend Sanguini."

Worple grabbed Harry's free hand in an over enthusiastic hand shake. Rose hid a giggle as she looked at Sanguini, who was clearly a vampire. She could tell only because he opened his mouth to drink a red substance and Rose could see his razor sharp teeth.

"Harry Potter, I am simply delighted!" Worple said. "I was saying to Professor Slughorn the other day that you need a biography!"

"Were you?" Harry asked awkwardly. Rose couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips and Slughorn seemed to realize she was there for the first time.

"I'm sure you know Miss. Briar Rose Black," Slughorn said. It was Rose's turn to have an overenthusiastic handshake. Harry started chuckling until Rose stepped on his foot with her heel, causing Harry to hiss.

"Of course!" Worple said. "You need a biography, as well!"

"Oh, I don't think so-"

"Of course you do!" Worple interrupted. "You know...I'll write it myself! We could have a few interviews and then I can have both biographies done in a few months!"

"We're not interested," Harry said.

"Yeah, and your friend is heading to those girls," Rose told Worple. His vampire friend was edging towards a group of girls, a hungry look in his eye. Worple huffed and went to distract his friend with a pastry, allowing Rose and Harry to leave.

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