memorials (epilogue)

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Rose slept for two whole days after the battle. Her body was so tired from all the healing she had done and the process of bringing herself and others back to life that she couldn't wake up.

During that time, Harry fixed his old wand using the Elder Wand, and then snapped the powerful wand, ending its blood trail once and for all. Voldemort's body was disposed of, and no one questioned where or how.

Almost every single wizarding family was in mourning. As soon as Rose woke up, she made her way to St. Mungo's and healed as many people as she could, but she still held the guilt of all the people who had died.

"Rose? You ready?" Harry asked as he opened the door to her room. She was back at home, but Harry was almost always there, as well as James, Lily, Remu and Tonks.

"Yeah," Rose sighed sadly. It was a week after the battle, and there was going to be a memorial at Hogwarts to honor those who have died.

"Do you know if Draco is coming?" Harry asked as he linked his hand with Rose's.

"He owled me yesterday to say that he was going to be there," Rose said. Remus and Tonks had found Draco panicking in the Forbidden Forest. Once they assured him that he was safe, he returned with them. He had been staying at Grimmauld Place with Regulus since then because Malfoy Manor held too many bad memories.

"What about Regulus?" Harry asked. "I know he feels guilty that he was too late."

"He had to go back to America to help his girlfriend do something," Rose replied. Regulus had gone to America to hide and to follow a lead on the locket. While he was there, he met an American girl and quickly fell in love, despite the fact that she was a muggle.

"That's nice," Harry said. Rose squeezed his hand, knowing that he was uncomfortable.

"Are you two going to apparate there?" Sirius asked as they entered the kitchen.

"Yeah," Rose confirmed. "I still need to learn how and get my license."

"I never got my license," Harry said with a shrug as he grabbed Sebastian.

"You're gonna do that," Rose told him.

"Fine," Harry sighed as he held Sebastian upside down, causing the boy to let out happy laughs.

"Harry, if you kill my godson, I kill you," Lily warned as she and James entered the kitchen too. Harry rolled his eyes but held Sebastian normally.

"There's my godson," Rose cooed as Tonks and Remus followed after them.

"Look at that. He's excited to see you," Tonks said as she passed Teddy to Rose.

"I think blue is his color," Rose said as she gently rocked the baby.

"I think so too," Remus said. "It's what color he has the most."

"Merlin, why are you people always at my house?" Marlene asked exasperatedly as she saw everyone standing in her kitchen. Arabella let out a happy giggle from her mother's arms and reached out to Remus, who scooped her up happily.

"Because we're the most fun," Sirius said.

"No," James said with a scoff. "It's cause Harry and Rose can't spend two minutes apart but we want to see them, so we follow them here. It's gonna be a sad day when we can't follow them around anymore."

"Speaking of not being able to follow us around," Rose said awkwardly. "We bought our own house."

The room was silent as everyone stared at them in shock.

"You...what?" Sirius finally asked.

"We bought a house yesterday when we went out," Harry said. "It was a spur of the moment decision, but the house was perfect, so we got it."

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