14. fear

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The first thing Lyn noticed when she woke up was her pounding headache. The next thing that she noticed was that she was on a bed that wasn't her own and she didn't have her wand on her. Lyn slowly opened her eyes enough to see that she was in a run down room. The furniture was ripped practically to shreds, and the amount of dust present showed that no one had lived in the room for years.. Hearing footsteps, Lyn slammed her eyes closed, wanting to give the impression that she was still asleep.

"Hello, my little Briar Rose," A voice whispered and a hand ran over Lyn's curly hair. Lyn tensed and squeezed her eyes shut in fear. The only person she knew of named Briar Rose was Sirius Black's daughter, so she knew that the person talking to her was probably the mass murderer.

"I know you're awake," The same voice said, getting farther away as if the person was walking away. Lyn slowly sat up and opened her eyes, but they were wide with fear. Her chest started heaving with panic the second she made eye contact with the man in the room.

Sirius Black looked just as crazy as the pictures showed him. Lyn observed him as he stood across the room from her, watching her with love in his eyes. His cheeks were hollow and his skin had a grey tinge to it. His hair looked as if he cut it himself as the ends were uneven and harsh. As he smiled, Lyn saw his rotting teeth, causing her to recoile. He quickly closed his mouth and stepped closer to her.

"No! Go away!" Lyn shouted, ignoring the pulsing pain going through her head. She tried to get up from the bed, but started to fall as soon as she put pressure on her legs. A thin arm grabbed her before she could hit the ground, but she thrashed away and both people fell to the ground.

"Rosie, please," Sirius pleaded, his voice breaking. Lyn quickly scooted away from the man until she hit the wall. She saw that she was at a door, so she reached up to grab the handle but before she could, sparks flew at her hand, causing her to clutch her hand to her chest with a hiss.

"I'm sorry, Rosie. Please don't hate me," Sirius pleaded some more, hurrying over until he was right in front of her. Lyn noted that he had taken her wand while she was unconscious, leaving her defenseless.

"Get away from me! You're a monster!" Lyn shouted. Sirius' whole face fell and his eyes filled with tears.

"Please listen to me!" He pleaded. His voice, which was already scratchy from not being used much, broke throughout the sentence, causing him to whisper the last few words.

"I want to leave! Let me go!" Lyn shouted, reaching up to grab the handle again. Sirius yelled a curse Lyn had never heard before, and she found herself dangling upside down in the air. A scream filled the room and Sirius felt his heart break. He quickly guided her body to the bed and put her down, standing in front of the door in case she tried to run again.

"I'll let you leave after you listen to me," Sirius told Lyn. Knowing she couldn't overpower the man without a wand, she nodded her head. Sirius' face once again filled with a smile, his eyes brighter than the had been in years.

"You better hurry. My godfather Moony will already be looking for me," Lyn warned, trying to scare the murderer into letting her go. To her dismay, Sirius let out a small chuckle.

"I don't doubt that. Moony was always protective of you when you were a baby. Your mother Marlene and I always knew we made a right choice making him your godfather," Sirius told the girl, pulling a chair over and sitting down.

"That's not my mom. And you're not my dad," Lyn told the man, her voice wavering as she tried to be brave.

"But I am! You're Briar Rose Cassiopeia Black, not Lyn Dylan. Your birthday is December 25th and your godparents are James and Lily and Remus. Although, James and Lily were never legally your godparents, they just claimed they were," Sirius explained.

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