18. the reveal

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Rose didn't even try to be quiet as she ran after her godfather because she knew that he probably wouldn't even notice her behind him until they got to where they were going. Remus had never ran so fast in his life, fearing for the life of his students and possibly Sirius. Rose was struggling to stay close to her godfather due to how fast he was running and since she didn't know where they were going. She skidded to a stop behind Remus when he got to the Whomping Willow. Rose furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and watched as Remus levitated a stick to poke a knot on the tree. The branches suddenly froze, no longer trying to hit anything that came near.

"That's all you have to do to get it to stop?!" Rose exclaimed. Remus whipped around, his eyes wide with shock.

"I told you to stay!" Remus chastised, his eyes glancing between the base of the tree and his goddaughter.

"That's funny," Rose said, letting out a small laugh that she knew sounded fake due to the heavy, anxious feeling in her stomach.

"You need to listen. You could get hurt or-"

"Or die or something horrible, yes I know. But it's too late now and we need to hurry because we have to idea what's going on down there," Rose proclaimed as she interrupted her godfather. She quickly walked up the where the passageway had opened into the tree and tried to get in front of Remus. With a tired sigh he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back, making a decision he know he would later regret.

"Stay behind me. Pettigrew is slippery and I don't want him to meet you first," Remus said tiredly and anxiously, knowing that there was no convincing Rose to stay and that there was no time to argue. The pair quickly entered the tree, Renus leading the way. They walked for what seemed like forever until they heard a familiar voice.

"WE'RE UP HERE! SIRIUS BLACK! QUICK!" Hermione shouted. Remus and Rose both shared a look and paled before running the rest of the way and throwing the door open to a room way too familiar for both of them.

Rose almost screamed at the sight. Ron was laying on the ground with his ankle bleeding and at an awkward angle, Hermione was cowering next to the door and Harry was pointing his wand at a bloody and bruised Sirius Black. Sirius made a move to get up to get to his daughter but Harry shoved his wand further into Sirius' face. Rose's heart pounded in her chest, her eyes wide at the threat to her father.

"Harry, no!" Rose shouted as Remus yelled 'expelliarmus!' The trio all lost their wands and Remus and Rose entered the room, shutting the scratched door.

"Where is he Sirius?" Remus asked, Rose clutching his arm as she looked at her father on the floor. Harry, meanwhile, was looking at the pair as if they were crazy. Black stared at them for a second before pointing at Ron. Both Rose and Remus looked over to see a skinny rat squeaking wildly in his hands.

"Professor, Lyn, what's going on-?" Harry asked. Before he could finish his sentence, Remus helped up Sirius Black and held him like a brother with Rose joining in quickly, not having seen her father in so long that she didn't even think about her friends reactions.

"I DON'T BELIEVE IT!" Hermione yelled. The trio quickly jumped apart, both men instinctively pushing Rose behind them.

"Hermione, please. You guys have to listen to me!" Rose pleaded, speaking up for the first time since she had entered the room.

"Hermione-" Remus muttered.

"I didn't tell anyone! I've been covering for you two-"

Rose felt her breath catch in her throat and she clung onto her godfather with one arm and her father with the other, burying her face into her godfathers back. She couldn't stand seeing the disappointed and confused look on her friends face anymore. Harry looked betrayed, causing Rose's heart to break.

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