Bonus chapter

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Rose struggled to let people go. She couldn't understand how her loved ones could go to Death when she could save them. But she let them go anyways because she knew it was cruel to hold on forever.

Mr. Weasley was her first experience with letting someone go. Rose clung to his hand for hours, keeping him from leaving. His heart had failed hours before and there was nothing to be done. Once all the Weasley children had said their goodbyes, Mrs. Weasley said hers. With a heavy heart, Rose let go and Mr. Weasley left. Mrs. Weasley lasted two more years before she passed in her sleep, her arm reached out for Mr. Weasley's side of the bed.

Out of the Mauraders, Remus was the first to go. He was eighty when he passed, his body unable to handle another transformation. Thanks to Rose, his death wasn't painful. He left with a smile on his face, ready to experience a life without pain.

Sirius was next. He was eighty-seven when he passed in his sleep. Marlene didn't last much longer, although she had to beg Rose to let her go. Rose begged her mum to stay a few years longer, but Marlene was ready to be with Sirius again. Harry eventually stepped in, gently pulling Rose's hand away from her mother's so Marlene could go. Sebastian and Arabella had to promise Rose that they weren't upset with her because they knew it was time for their mum to go.

James and Lily died together, much longer after their friends due to their past experience with death. Harry was surprisingly strong, but Rose felt guilty. She should've saved them, but she didn't.

Tonks and Regulus died the same year, two months apart. Tonks was head Auror until the end, although she hadn't gone on any missions in years at the request of Teddy. She died peacefully in St. Mungo's, smiling as she finally got to see Remus again. Regulus, on the other hand, died protecting Gabrielle. They were walking down the street when a muggle man tried to rob her. Despite his old age, Regulus fought back and it cost him his life. Rose had to be held back from attacking the muggle man when she heard. Cedric died the next year and Rose had never seen Ginny look so upset.

The Weasley children and the rest of Rose's friends and family went over the years. Charlie was first, buried with the dragons he dedicated his life to. Bill and Fleur were buried at Shell Cottage, Teddy and Victoire living in the house after. It seemed as if every year Rose was having to say goodbye to someone else, and she hated it.

Draco, Blaise and Theo went in the same year. Harry and Ron surprisingly cried some, but Rose was almost numb. The guilt ate her up on the inside as she hugged their crying kids. It made no sense why they wouldn't let her save them. She couldn't understand why they had let their parents go.

Other than her parents, Hermione was the worst for Rose. Ron had been gone for five years, although that was only because Harry and Hermione refused to let Rose save him, both of them worried she wouldn't come back. Hermione had been sick for some time, a muggle disease called cancer finally claiming her. Rose didn't leave her room for a week, only getting up when Harry and her kids begged her to.

Rose and Harry had a few encounters with Death, but Rose wouldn't let them go. She had to be there for everyone else and she needed Harry. Their joints and muscles ached, but with a quick kiss or hand touching, the pain would go away for a moment, coming back hours later. But it was worth it to see their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

When Jamie died, Rose was destroyed. She begged Harry to let her save him, but the answer was always the same: there was no promise that she would come back this time. Rose held on as her siblings and children passed, doing what she could to make sure it was painless. Her dreams assured her that they were happy, that Death was being much kinder than before.

When Harry reached 120, Rose finally realized it was time to let go. The papers were calling him "The Boy Who Won't Die", writing about his achievements and all the people he had lost. Everyone was gone other than some great-grandchildren, who made sure to visit everyday, letting Rose and Harry know that it was ok to let go. But even though she knew Harry's heart ached for his family, she was selfish. He didn't mind because he was happy as long as he was with her, but he missed his parents and his sister. He missed the Weasley clan, especially Ron. He missed his godfather, Marlene, Remus and everyone else. He even missed Tillie and Potato, who Rose let go shortly after their youngest went to Hogwarts when she realized that they simply were too old and it was time to let go.

"Hello, my love," Harry whispered on Christmas morning. His voice was rarely above a whisper, but it was still Rose's favorite sound in the world. His emerald eyes still twinkling as he smiled at his wife. Rose hummed, smiling back.

"Good morning," Rose whispered back. Harry's wrinkled hand pushed back some of Rose's grey hair from her face.

"Happy birthday," Harry said softly.

"Are the kids coming over today?" Rose asked, unable to remember.

"No, not today," Harry said. Rose sighed thankfully, her bones popping as she scooted closer to Harry, laying her head on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart.

"I'm tired," Rose whispered.

"Me too," Harry said. They were quiet for a moment, the only sound being the twittering of the birds outside.

"It's time to go," Rose finally said.

"I know," Harry responded.

"I'm scared," Rose admitted. She finally understood why everyone else hadn't let her save them, but she was still scared. Death was forever and she was scared of that.

"I'll be right next to you," Harry promised. "And we'll be met with open arms."

"I love you," Rose said.

"I love you," Harry responded. With the last bit of strength she possessed, Rose pushed herself up, sharing one last kiss with Harry. She shuffled back down to lay her head on his chest, his arms circling her waist. With a content sigh, Rose and Harry went to sleep, waking up to old and familiar faces.


Hi! This was so sad to write lol. I'm still going to write other bonus chapters so this isn't the only one, don't worry. The bonus chapters are probably gonna be shorter than the real chapters. If there's anything you want to see just let me know and I'll try to write it.

Also, just a reminder that I do have another story called Different that I'm in the process of writing. I think it's really great and I hope you guys think so too!

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