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"They're not babies anymore!"


"They're basically adults!"

"Marls, please, they're-"

"They're so old!"

"Marlene, they're one, not eighty."

Rose let out a giggle as she watched her mum freak out over Sebastian and Arabella, who looked a little freaked out. Marlene was sobbing as she held the twins. Sirius looked almost embarrassed to be around Marlene, but Rose had heard him cry this morning about how old they were.

"Oh, Sirius, let her cry," Mrs. Weasley said as she entered the room. Since the Burrow had the most protections around it, Mr. And Mrs. Weasley allowed Sirius and Marlene to have a small party for the twins there.

"Did she react like this with me?" Rose asked. She grimaced and scooted away from her mum as the woman blew her nose into a tissue Mrs. Weasley handed her.

"For the first week, yes," Sirius said. "After that, every single month she would cry."

"My babies have all grown up too quick," Marlene cried as she grabbed Rose into her hug. Rose felt her face get smushed by the intensity of the hug.

"Look, Fred," George said as they entered the room as well. "Rose has chipmunk cheeks."

"Look, George, you have antlers," Rose said when her mum finally released her. George started squealing as antlers popped up from his head. Fred burst out into laughter as his twin clutched his head. The twins were living with their parents again since they had to shut down their store because of Voldemort.

"How'd you do that?" Sirius asked, disbelief obvious in his face.

"What do you mean?" Rose asked as she grabbed Sebastian into a hug, quickly releasing him when he started to yell. Both of the twins already seemed to be tired of receiving hugs.

"Your wand is still in your pocket," Marlene said, finally done with her crying.

"Oh, I practiced doing that spell without a wand a lot at Hogwarts. It's my favorite spell and I want to be able to do it all the time," Rose said with a shrug and red cheeks.

"You're bloody scary sometimes," Ron said as he entered the room as well, Hermione right behind him. Rose smirked at Hermione when she saw that the bushy haired girl had slightly swollen lips. Hermione blushed and looked down at the ground.

"She's just a brilliant witch," Marlene said. Rose sent her dad a panicked look and ran out of the room as her mum started crying about her kids again.

"Has she been like this the whole day?" Ron asked as he and Hermione followed Rose up to his room. Rose immediately laid down on the bed that Harry usually slept on, unintentionally inhaling deeper as his faint smell entered her nose.

"Yep. And she's broken down a few times the whole week," Rose confirmed.

"I can understand why she's crying so much," Hermione said as she sat next to Ron. "I bet she's happy that nothing has happened to any of her kids so far...well, a lot has happened to you, Rose, but not the twins."

"Yeah," Rose said with a sigh. "I just thought about the fact that this time last year you guys all thought I was dead."

"This time last year sucked," Ron said.

"And both years we can barely talk to Harry because he refuses to answer our letters," Hermione said angrily.

"He's going through a lot," Rose said in an attempt to defend Harry.

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