the first task

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Rose felt queasy all of Sunday morning. Hermione dragged her to breakfast, but she couldn't eat anything. Harry seemed to share the same feelings, as he ate a piece of toast and that was it. As soon as Hermione had slurped down her last spoonful of porridge, Harry and Rose had grabbed her and made her take a walk on the grounds. They told her everything about the dragons and what Sirius said. Hermione told them to focus on the dragons and then Karkaroff and they both agreed. They walked around the lake three times before going to the library to try and find a solution.

"Talon-clipping charms...treating scale rot...this is all stuff for people like Hagrid who want to raise the dragons," Harry read. Rose sighed and banged her head on the table. Harry got up to get more books while Hermione muttered to herself.

"Hermione, please, shut up," Rose muttered back. Hermione blushed a little but stopped muttering.

"Oh, he's back again! Why won't he stay on the stupid ship?" Hermione huffed as Vikor Krum entered the library, closely followed by his horde of fangirls. Rose sent him a small smirk to which he blushed. Harry noticed the interaction and narrowed his eyes at the Bulgarian.

"Come on. Let's go back to the common room," Hermione suggested and stood up, grabbing all the books as she did. Rose could barely shrug a sorry to Krum before she was yanked out of the library.


Rose barely slept that night. They hadn't found any way to defeat the dragon and the task was fast approaching. When Rose went down to breakfast she could tell that Harry didn't sleep much either. They were practically leaning on each other during breakfast due to how tired they were. It was only when Rose saw Cedric stand up from the table that she woke up.

"Harry! Ced doesn't know!" Rose whispered, slight panic showing on her face.

"You're right. Let's go," Harry said, suddenly completely awake too. They said goodbye to Hermione, who was still eating, and followed after Cedric.

"Ced! Hey!" Rose yelled to get his attention. He turned around and excused himself from his friends and started walking towards her and Harry.

"Run Cedric! She's gonna murder you like her dad did all those muggles!" A passing Slytherin girl giggled. Rose, Harry and Cedric all flicked their wands at the same time, causing a strange reaction. The girl grew tentacles out of her head instead of antlers and boils showed up all over her body. She ran off screaming, her friends following closely behind.

"Hmmm...interesting reaction," Rose murmured.

"We're probably gonna get detention for that," Cedric sighed.

"...Worth it," the three of them said at the same time with smiles on their faces. Rose suddenly got serious and pulled Cedric and Harry into an empty classroom.

"What's going on?" Cedric asked, clearly nervous.

"Well...Harry and I kinda, maybe know what the first task is gonna be..." Rose trailed off.

"What?! Rose? How?!" Cedric questioned, his eyes wide. "We're not supposed to know anything!"

"In our defense we didn't know what we were doing when we were showed the dragons," Harry chimed in.

"Dragons?!" Cedric responded, his voice high pitched.

"Yeah. There's four of them and we have to get past them," Rose explained.

"You're positive?" Cedric asked.

"100 percent," Harry and Rose said at the same time.

"Look, the other champions know as well. Karkaroff and Madame Maxime saw the dragons as well. You would've been the only one who didn't know and that's not exactly fair," Harry told the older boy who nodded gratefully. Before anything else could be said, a familiar clanking wa heard before the door to the classroom opened and Professor Moody entered.

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