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"Harry! Ron! Hermione!" Rose exclaimed happily, gaining their attention. They were sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express and had been putting up their trunks when Rose popped in. The train had just started to move when she entered the compartment.

"Rose!" They all chorused, giving her a hug.

"How are you?" Hermione asked.

"Good as new!" Rose said with a smile. It was true, too. It had been a week since the world cup and she had never slept more than she had in that week. She had also been able to get to know her mum a bit more and spend more time with her godfather and father. They all enjoyed the presents she had gotten them at the world cup. Her mum had almost cried when she gave her her present. Rose decided that she liked her mum a lot and that she was very fun. Despite the fact that she was much older, her mum still acted like she was 21, and her dad had started acting like he was 21 too, much to the disappointment of Remus and enjoyment of Rose.

"Who brought you?" Harry asked quickly, breaking Rose from her thoughts. She sat down on the empty seat beside him. She noted that he had put her trunk up for her.

"Moony and my mum," Rose answered. Harry's shoulders fell. "Sorry that my dad couldn't come, but we all decided it was too dangerous."

"That's fine," Harry mumbled but she could sense in his voice that he was a little upset, and maybe jealous. He looked out the window and watched the rain, causing a small frown to fill Rose's face.

"How did people react to your mum?" Hermione asked. Rose thought for a second before answering.

"It was weird. People obviously don't know that she's my mum so I think they were a little confused about why she was there. Overall, I think theres a lot of confusion around her, but most people are glad she's back and sane again," Rose answered. Hermione nodded her head.

"Do they know how your mum became sane again?" Ron asked. Rose and Hermione met eyes before Rose looked at Ron.

"I don't think so," Rose said simply. "So what did you guys do while I was gone?"

"Well, we played quidditch. Dad was gone a lot for work after the world cup," Ron listed. "and Mum gave me these." Ron said, pointing at a cage that was covered in horror looking dress robes.

"Dress robes? Why?" Rose asked. Harry finally turned away from the window to look at the group.

"We don't know. You and Hermione were in the tent but at the World cup Bagman mentioned something happening at Hogwarts and today mum, Bill and Charlie hinted at something too," Ron explained.

"Maybe a ball?" Rose offered.

"I hope not," Ron scoffed.

"A ball might be fun," Rose said. She had always wanted to get a nice dress and dance, although she didn't know how to dance. She had also been told that her mum had access to her dads Gringotts account, meaning that she had much more money to spend than previously as it was easier for her mum to access the money than her dad. With more money, she could buy a beautiful dress.

"Who would you take to a ball?" Hermione asked.

"I'm not sure... maybe Cedric but I think he likes Cho Chang," Rose replied, looking at Harry out of the corner of her eye. He pulled a face at her statement. Before anyone else could answer Hermione shushed everyone and they all listened to a voice in the hallway.

"...Father actually considered sending me to Durmstrang, you know. He knows the headmaster there and they don't allow mudbloods over there. But mother didn't like the idea of me being so far away. But Durmstrang teaches the Dark Arts, not the defense rubbish we learn here..."

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