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"Wake up!"

"Why do you hate me?" Rose groaned into her pillow as Ginny and Hermione jumped on her bed at the same time. Tillie let out a hiss from where she was laying on Rose's pillow, but the cat was too lazy to move.

"You're finally sixteen!" Hermione said happily.

"Yeah, and for my present, I'd like to sleep," Rose mumbled into her pillow.

"Nope!" Ginny said as she dragged Rose up so that she was sitting. Rose groaned and moved her curly hair out of her face, glaring at the two girls.

"Maybe you wouldn't be so tired if you hadn't stayed up snogging Harry," Hermione teased.

"Maybe you wouldn't be so upset if you'd finally snog Ron," Rose teased back. Hermione went bright red as Ginny let out a roar of laughter.

"I agree," Ginny said when she finally calmed her laughter.

"I'm not going to snog Ron," Hermione huffed. "Now open your presents before I take them away."

Hermione and Ginny returned to their own beds as Rose sat on the floor to open her presents. Her parents got her some things for Tillie as well as some decorations for her room at Hogwarts. They also gave her the leather jacket she had gotten the year before. Ron had taken it from Harry after the Ministry, and had given it to Sirius and Marlene a few days before. Hermione, as always, got Rose a book about healing, but she also gave Rose some chocolate. Ron and Ginny gave her some candy and Fred and George gave her some products from their store. She got more candy and some clothes from everyone else, including a Weasley sweater.

Rose reached for the smallest present and slowly opened it, carefully ripping off the wrapping she knew Harry had done. A choking sound left her mouth as she finally opened the present.

"What is it?" Hermione asked, looking over to see Rose holding a hand over her mouth as she stared at a small box in her hand. Rose didn't answer so Hermione and Ginny shared a confused and worried look before sitting on the floor next to Rose.

"It's beautiful," Ginny gasped as she grabbed the box out of Rose's hand.

"It isn't..." Hermione said, trailing off at the end.

"It can't be," Rose said, her voice thick.

"There's a note," Ginny said as she looked at the box. Rose grabbed the box with shaky hands and read the note.

Hi, Ro

Merry Christmas!

You're probably freaking out, but don't worry. This isn't an engagement ring, just a promise ring. A promise that I'll love for forever and I'll always be with you.

Also, happy birthday.

Love, Harry

"Oh, thank Merlin," Rose gasped after she read the note. Hermione ripped the note out of Rose's hand and read it before passing it to Ginny

"Harry has good taste," Hermione complimented as she looked to the ring.

"He sure does," Rose agreed as she looked at the ring Harry had gotten her. The band was a rose gold color and the diamonds were shaped in what was similar to a branch.

"Your dad is gonna freak," Ginny said with a snort as Rose put the ring on her ring finger on her right hand.

"Probably," Hermione agreed. She frowned as she looked to Rose but couldn't read her face. "Are you freaking out, Rose?"

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