the quibbler

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Luna wasn't sure when the Quibblet article would come out, but Hermione decided to tell the DA members about it so that people would be able to get it and share the article.

"Can't wait to see what Umbridge thinks of you two going public," Dean Thomas told Rose and Harry at dinner on Monday night. Seamus was acting like he didn't care, but Rose knew he was listening.

"It's the right thing to do, Harry, Rose," Neville said. "It must have been...tough...having to talk about it. Was it?"

"Yeah," Harry said. "But people have to know the truth about Voldemort."

"That's right," Neville agreed. "And his Death Eaters too...people should know..."

Rose placed her hand on Neville's and gave it a comforting squeeze. The boy went red but sent her a thankful smile. Rose had made sure that Neville knew that she had nothing to do with the Azkaban breakout. Neville had assured the girl that he never thought she had been apart of it.

Neville, Dean and Seamus went to the common room not long after, leaving just Rose, Harry and Hermione. Ron was still at quidditch practice. Hermione watched as Cho entered the Great Hall.

"Why'd you come back so early from your talk with Cho?" Hermione asked Harry, glancing at Rose to make sure the girl wasn't upset. Rose ate a chocolate chip cookie and sent Hermione a look, telling her it was ok.

"Well, there wasn't much else to talk about. She agreed to leave me alone and apologized for everything," Harry said with a shrug.

" she just needs to apologize to Rose," Hermione said with a slight huff.

"Yeah," Rose mumbled. "But I think I might hex her if she comes near me."

"Probably...I wouldn't blame you," Hermione said.

"No one would," Ginny said as she sat next to Rose. Ron plopped down next to Harry, looking disgruntled.

"How was quidditch practice?" Harry asked.

"A nightmare," Rom grumbled as he started filling his plate.

"Oh, come on," Hermione said as she looked to Ginny. "I'm sure it wasn't that-"

"It was bad," Ginny huffed. "It was appalling. Angelina was nearly in tears by the end of it."

"Oh..." Hermione muttered. Ron and Ginny ate their dinners quickly and then left to shower. Rose, Hermione and Harry went to the common room to do homework.

"Ron and Ginny not here?" Fred asked as he pulled up a chair. Rose was glad for the distraction because she had been trying to write a DADA essay for thirty minutes and she had nothing.

"Nope," Harry responded.

"Good," Fred said. "We were watching their practice. They're absolute rubbish without us. They're going to get slaughtered."

"Come on," George said as he sat next to Fred. "Ginny's not bad...I'm actually not sure how she got so good."

"She's been stealing your brooms since she was six," Rose said.

"Yeah, you guys never noticed. I'm not sure how," Hermione added.

"Probably cause boys are not very observant. An example, the Weasley boys not noticing their sister taking their brooms. Another example, Harry not noticing Cho flirting with him for a whole semester and not telling her to back off, leading to her kissing him and ruining a relationship" Rose answered.

"Really, Rose?" Harry sighed.

"Really, Harry?" Rose asked, but she sent him a small wink. Harry went red and didn't say anything else. Rose was still upset, but she was starting to get over her initial anger towards Harry. 

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