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Rose quickly changed into clothes that didn't have any food on them before hurrying back downstairs. She reached the door to the kitchen at the same time as Harry.

"You can go," Harry said.

"No, you got here first," Rose replied.

"Ladies first though," Harry reminded Rose.

"Great, so you can go," Rose told him with a small smirk.

"Haha, very funny," Harry fake sneered at Rose.

"I thought so too," Rose smiled back.

"Can you guys just enter the room?" Sirius asked. Rose and Harry looked at him and realized that he was holding open the door for them and that everyone was looking at them.

"How long have you been there?" Rose asked.

"Basically the whole time," Sirius said. Rose and Harry awkwardly nodded and went to enter the door at the same time.

"Homestly," Sirius muttered as he walked away from the door and sat down. Harry stepped back and let Rose enter first. Harry awkwardly followed her and they sat down.

" kiss again?" Ron asked. Rose and Harry both threw some green peas at him and not very shockingly, Sirius did too.

"Ronald Weasley! Have some tact!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. Ron grumbled but didn't say anything else.

"No, but seriously...did you kiss?" Marlene asked.

"Marls!" Sirius yelled.

"No, we didn't," Rose huffed.

"Then why is the scar on your forehead gone?" Marlene asked. Rose picked up a clean spoon and saw that her mother was right. The scar was completely gone.

"I don't know...what would my scar have to do with me kissing Harry?" Rose asked.

"Nothing at all," Remus quickly said. Rose opened her mouth to argue but Remus sent her a look and she angrily closed her mouth, crossing her arms as she did so.

"Well, on to much less disturbing matters,'" Sirius said, shuddering a little at the thought of his daughter kissing anyone. "Harry, I thought you would've asked about Voldemort the second you got here."

The atmosphere in the room went from teasing to serious in a split second. Rose glanced at her father, kind of upset that he hadn't offered to tell her this stuff before, but he was telling Harry.

"I did! I asked Ron and Hermione but they said that they're not allowed in the Order, so-" Harry replied.

"And they're quite right!" Mrs. Weasley spoke up. "You're too young."

"You don't have to be a member to ask questions. Harry has been trapped in that muggle house for a month. He has the right to know what's happening-" Sirius replied.

"Hang on!" George interrupted.

"How come Harry gets his questions answered?" Fred asked.

"You're too young! You're not in the Order," Fred said in a high voice. Rose noticed that it was very similar to his mother's. "He's not even of age!"

"It's not my fault that you don't know what the Order is doing," Sirius said calmly. "That's up to your parents. Harry, on the other hand-"

"It's not for you to decide what's good for Harry!" Mrs. Weasley yelled. "Have you forgotten what Dumbledore said?"

"Which bit?" Sirius asked. Rose could tell that he was preparing for a fight.

"The bit about not telling Harry more than he needs to know!" Mrs. Weasley reminded Sirius. All of the kids were looking back and forth at the two arguing adults.

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