world cup

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Rose and Hermione talked about what they had learned until the boys asked if they wanted to go buy souvenirs. They both agreed and came back a few hours later with empty pockets.

Sirius had slipped Rose a few extra galleons so she made sure to get presents for him, Remus and her mum. She was extra anxious about that present because she knew next to nothing about her mum, so she got her a matching necklace that glowed when the other person was thinking of you. For her dad, she got a bracelet that if you pressed the jewel on it and thought of a sentence, the sentence  would appear on the inside of the other bracelet. She thought it would be good to have if he stayed on the run for a long time and she needed to contact him quickly. For Moony she got a small, stuffed wolf toy and some hot chocolate mix, as she knew hot chocolate was his favorite drink.

Ron bought some stuff to support Ireland, but he also got a small figurine of Krum that walked around. Harry bought omnoculars for everyone, despite how expensive they were. Everyone promised to pay him back. Hermione bought some stuff for her family and then a small mood ring for Rose.

By the time they got back to the tent it was time to leave again. A booming voice announced that the cup was about to start so the large group joined the crowd and started walking to the stadium.

"Seats a hundred thousand," Mr. Weasley explained as he led the group up the many stairs. "A ministry task force of 500 have been working on it all year. There's a muggle repelling charm on it, obviously. If a muggle were to walk up to it, they would suddenly remember an appointment they have...bless them."

"Wait, so if Hermione wanted to bring her parents, she couldn't?" Rose asked. Mr. Weasley slowed down as he walked, thinking over the answer.

"I guess...not. But that's a question for someone else," Mr. Weasley finally answered. Rose looked at the ground, slightly troubled. Not all muggles were bad, and many would enjoy a game like quidditch.

"Prime seats! Top box, just keep going up as high as you can go, Arthur," A witch informed the group. The group continued to walk up the many sets of stairs until they reached the very top. Rose glanced around in shock, never having seen so many wizards in one place. The whole group filed into their seats and Rose quickly plopped down into hers, exhausted from the climb up and from healing her mum. She assumed that the bigger the thing she healed, the more tired she would be.

"Tired, are you?" Ron asked the girl, a teasing smile on his face.

"Oh, shut up. The things you make me go through! I don't-" Rose started.

"Even like quidditch!" The rest of the quartet, Ginny and the twins chorused together. Rose rolled her eyes.

"Dobby?" Harry suddenly asked. Rose turned around to see who he was looking at and saw a miserable looking house elf.

"Did sir just call me Dobby?" The house elf asked, looking at Harry between her fingers which were firmly planted in front of her eyes.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else," Harry apologized, starting to tun around. He sent a look to Hermione and Ron. Rose was once again reminded that she had joined the friendship late. Although she had been told much of what happened in the two years before she went to Hogwarts, she wasn't told everything. She had no idea who Dobby was or why he was so significant. Rose turned around in her seat and stared down at the crowd.

"But I know Dobby too, sir! My name is Winky! And you... you must be Harry Potter!" The house elf gasped. Rose could only imagine the blush on Harry's face.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Dobby talks about you all the time!"

"How is he? How's freedom suiting him?" Harry questioned. Rose was once again reminded of his hero complex as he asked this question. She could only guess that Harry set this house elf free.

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