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"please save my dad" June begged the doctor who only nodded in response, already out of breath from helping the nurses on pushing the hospital bed to the emergency room. "Please!"

"What's happening to Grandpa Daddy? Why is mommy crying?" Little Jungkook asked  Hyun—his father. He and his twin sister were carried by their father, him on his father's left arm while little Shang was on the other. Hyun wore a sad smile, and couldn't comfort his wife's broken-down self on the bench beside the emergency room's wide door. He carefully brought his twins down to the white tiled floor with a smile.

" Granpa just had a teensy bitsy boo on his head so the doctors are going to cure it...as for mommy, she just wanted to be the one to cure grandpa's booboo so that's why she's crying." He filtered his words to not give any trauma to his children.

"Can you do Daddy a favor and buy Grandpa some Band-Aids?" He asked his babies who nodded excitedly in reply. " Take good care of both of them, Miss Ahn," told him to the maid.

The kids sprinted off to search for the item, with the maid responsible for them trailing behind them. Hyun then sat beside the crying June and comforted him.


"He's heart beats are decrease perform th-"

The sounds stop.

Jungkook lay there, staring at the blinding white light that was attached to the wall, his eyes couldn't blink—-he couldn't move. All he felt was the cold sensation oozing out of his head and the hot tears running out of his eyes. He was crying?

Why would he cry?

For years of attempting suicide gone to waste. All those attempts and wishes that death was just an illusion, he's scared of death. He doesn't want to die just yet.

He moved his eyes away from the light to see the nurses running back and forth in a hasty way, they were multiplying and it began to get more blurry as the nurse tried to fasten his heartbeat.  He stared blankly at the doctor who muttered something to him.

" Fight Mr. Jeon"

But he didn't hear it. He's confused and scared. Is he gonna die? He just slipped in the bathroom, he wouldn't die... Right? Nothing major to tend, he's just tired.

He kept telling himself those.

He's only fifty-two for Pete's sake! He's still young!

I'm still young!

He mentally shakes his head, wanting the dizziness to fade. As if shaking his head would shoo away the death.

He doesn't want to die unhappy. He doesn't want to die without accepting Shang's death, without accepting his friend's absences and disappearance. He hasn't fulfilled what he wants yet.

God not so soon...

His sight slowly turned black, it's dark now. Now nurses, no white light, just pitch black.

It was cold too. Very cold for his liking. 

"You're scared"

He opens his eyes all of a sudden when the voice speaks. He wasn't in the hospital room anymore, there were no nurses.

He somehow liked the place.

An endless healthy ground with dark green grasses all over it, the infinite blue skies with clouds, the warm and cold breeze touching his skin. He watched the healthy grass, feeling its texture with his bare feet.

"Since when did I wear white?" He then watched his whole attire, a white thin polo, with white loose pajamas.

I'm dead? Am I?

He then remembered the voice from earlier. The warm, tingling voice that he had missed so damn much, the voice he had been yearning for years, missing badly.

He tried finding someone, but all he saw was the unending green grass and blue skies.

Before he knew it, he ran.

He was surprised that he could still run like a twenty-year-old. His bones no longer crack, he felt strong. Unaware his body turned into its adult form. He's young again.

He's happy.

" Be careful!" He halted on his feet. Turning around to see a small figure from afar, wearing something blue, her form was too small to see her face. He didn't hesitate on running towards the woman.

The woman spread her hands when he was near, and the closer he gets the more clear his sight was, it was her.

"S-sh" he sobbed as soon as he arrived in Shang's welcoming arms, a smile on her face with contented eyes.

"Don't cry now" she giggled, patting his head. Both landed on the ground, with Jungkook hovering over Shang.

He's home.

" Is this real? Are you real?"

It was home.

"It's very real, I'm in front of you-see!" Shang brought her hands on Jungkook's face, the man let his tears flow.

Her hands were warm.

It was real.

" Shang" he wrapped her into a tight hug. Letting all the sadness and happiness, letting his yearnings for granted. "I love you... I fucking love you"

" No swearing!" She giggled, letting the large man devour her small frame. " I love you too Jungkook..."

His mind was in a frenzy, it received too much love, too much happiness. He couldn't explain what he felt, it was like he was in heaven, his heaven was her. It was always her.

He wanted to stay like this, hug the woman he loves in his arms, and just be in the fields without any trouble, without feeling hungry, and without problems. Just her and him.

"Welcome home Jungkook"

The monitor beeped and started to show a straight line.

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