Chapter Twenty Three

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School's a pain in the ass right now.


It's been days since Jungkook never left his house, even left his work and responsibilities. He's starting to turn into the man Shang was afraid of.

He had spent too much time and was needy for more—moments with June and Shang. He even postpones June's class in Korea and stopped Shang from working at the restaurant because he won't let them out of the mansion. He's being overprotective. She does not like it at all.

"Let's go bathsiies!" The cheerful voice of Jungkook eco-ed through the room, making Shang's hair stand and veins pump. He took a peek at the large playroom he bought for June, and the told little girl was currently on the padded floor completely unaware of what was happening only to be engrossed in the colorful toys.

"Jungkook we need to talk..." She sighed in relief that the words she wanted to say came out of her mouth smoothly. The man looked confused but nodded, following her out of the playroom.

"Are you ready to accept me?" Jungkook asked, his mind was on frenzy thinking that the time has finally come for him to have her. She shook her head from left to right slightly, making him frown.

"You do know that being a father needs to be responsible not only for their child but for himself right?" She asked. The tension became quiet and serious. The man nodded proudly. "You don't've been missing work for days and it's not good! I know I have no right to tell you this but Jungkook you need to go work again..." She was telling the right things and was about to add some words but the man interrupt her.

"So you're saying I'll stop spending time with my daughter?" His eyes turned dark, receiving her words in the wrong way. 

"No Jungkook! I'm telling you to take care of yourself, spend some work and rest on your own; you do know that forbidding your daughter and me not to go out isn't normal right? You don't have to worry, I won't take June away from you, you are her father and I respect that.....just don't be so overprotective." she tried to set the matter in the nicest way she could master so that he won't misinterpret the things she wants to tell him. Trying not to make him more confused and mad

Thank heavens he understands it; inhaling the air hard so that he could calm down. Leaning his body on the wall he looked away from Shang's tempting eyes. She's right damn it Jungkook! He scolded himself mentally, counting his mistake on the back of his head.

"You don't have to try hard's all my mistake for keeping June away, I'm sorry. I understand that you wanted things to be perfect, but sometimes you can't. And June hates a lot of pink by the way" she giggled remembering the cute whisper June did when Jungkook surprised her with a large pink room "Mommy I feel like puking but don't tell Daddy!" Those were the words June said when she received everything pink.

"Darn, it!" He groans "—another mistake! " But his heart softens when he heard Shang's giggle. Just wanted to avoid things that could make Shang realize that he's still a softy in her cute little things.

"I'll give you a list later, and I'm leaving for work today so June is now in your responsibility" She tapped his shoulders comfortingly, not denying the sudden pump of veins she felt when she touched his bare muscular shoulders.

I forgot to mention that Jungkook looked like a piece of meat right now. He's wearing a white tank top with grey sweatpants, revealing his flexing arms on view for people. It kind of made Shang's blood boil, considering and noticing that his very own maids are giving him hungry looks. She can't deny, she would give full responsibility if she would slap their faces.

When she's about to leave, Jungkook's aggressive muscular hand holds her arm "B-but you don't have to leave..... I have money! I can support you and June" Heck even five babies he has
been planning to create. (๑ ิټ ิ)

"Support June only" hurt his heart like a b*tch. It pained him so damn much that he needs the wall for moral support. "I've survived years supporting me and her just by being a waitress...I'm sure I can support myself right now " giving Jungkook a soft smile, thinking that it'll lessen his troubles, but it only increases it. "Besides, you know me" she winked, removing her arm from his strong grip in one swing, both already missing the contact.

Each step she took away from Jungkook, was the step of his heart breaking into pieces. He can't bring her back.

No Jungkook, you can. You know her so damn well that she's a hard-headed woman, he told himself, guess the wear-hot-outfit plan was a fail. If he can't swoon her with his good looks then he needs to focus on his other assets.


"Listen, sir, I respect you. But f*ck you! I've done everything I could do, from avoiding their meeting that I fucking  failed because of that huge ass dog, bringing your friend on the bungee jumping so that I could interfere with their meeting— and by the way, it took my soul and took my strength to pretend I enjoyed it!! To the fact that I had to pretend as a prostitute?! Are you sure you're not doing this because you want them to reunite? Or do you want to make fun with me? " A woman scoffed, rambling the built-up rage on the now poor phone which started to crack from the way she grip the device. Looking at her reflection angrily gritting her teeth. She's smoking hot, she can't deny that but this is wrong, purely unbelievably wrong.

"Just stick to the plan, I pay you a million a day so stop complaining" the man groaned back from the phone, scoffing at the end of his sentence making her more mad.

"You f*cking forced me dipshit!! Blackmailing me with my fucking video" She grabbed her purse, hastily walked out of the bathroom, and walked in the direction where she was going to wait. She didn't accept their job proposal because she's going to retire and rest but they have to dig dirty sh*t to blackmail her. That video was supposed to be confidential and that video was created to blackmail another person.   

" What's so wrong with your video? I mean you've done a good job moving that body in motion, I must say it's almost as good as mine " She could hear the smirk and see the cocky look this man-made even if the only thing that's been contacting them was the phone. She would have slapped him if only she was given the chance.

"Shut the fuck up dipshit, he's here " With that she hung up. Focusing her gaze on a man who just entered the restaurant, the man who seems to be searching for someone in the building. He's trying to find her.

But good thing she took the move first. Bumping the specific female both of them were trying to find.

"Oh gosh! " She tried to play along, carefully bumping the girl's shoulders, her hands that were holding some whine to deliver, splatter in her uniform. The girl slightly gasp, thanking the heavens that the giblets didn't fall.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" It's funny how she's the one who received the full blow of the whine and asked the culprit who did no justice in her perfectly cleaned uniform.

"Goodness! Are you okay— Shang" She knows the name but had to pretend to look at her name tag. The told woman nodded her head, smiling gently to the girl who bumped her.

"Don't worry ma'am, it's just a stain I can remove it" she reassured. But she's not buying it, peeking in the direction where she saw the man earlier, she hid Shang's small frame so that he cannot see her.

"Nonsense let's go to the bathroom" With that she had been pulled by a customer she never saw in the restaurant.

She has to do everything just to avoid them meeting.


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