Chapter Fifty Two

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Shang couldn't believe it.

Standing blankly in the living room, in front of the wide flat screen TV. Staring at the news on the News.

" Is it true Mr. Jeon?" The female reporter asked. Quite taken aback at what Jungkook had told her earlier.

Jungkook wasn't at the meeting like he said he would be. He was on TV being interviewed. Jungkook just nodded.

Shang was left alone in the hotel where she met her daughter for a long long years. June was already packing her stuff for the flight they'll be taking back to Korea.

"So you're saying that you have a daughter?" Flashing of cameras started to appear on the screen. The man himself was calmly on his seat, while two reporters started to panic. They seem to communicate with the person behind the camera to stop filming.

This could make people go crazy.

But Jungkook stood up when the camera moved. He raised his hands, signaling to continue his life. Yes, it was life.

" I'm here in this interview to clear everything. I'm Jeon Jungkook, the owner and founder of the Jeon Enterprise. I'm in love with a woman name Shang and we have a daughter named Jeon June. I'm here to say sorry for what I've done to the person I love dearly. I hope you could forgive me for what I did years ago." Jungkook stare directly at the camera as if he knew that Shang was watching this report. He knew.

" I'm sorry for leaving you, Shang... I'm sorry for everything I did. I know I've missed a lot of moments of June's birth.....and I will make new moments with her and with you..... I'm also sorry that I didn't keep your promise of hiding June's existence in the media. I just couldn't stand the people who chase me, thinking I'm still single, I want to show them, my daughter... I want to show her that I'm proud of her, that she's not a distraction of my image that she's a part of me" Jungkook smiled. He was starting straight to Shang, if that's possible. Looking through her soul. Shang felt it, she feel Jungkook's gaze on her, even if he was miles away from where she was standing.

" To the world! I would like to announce that I have a daughter, a very beautiful and talented daughter. I'm proud to have such an angel in my life, to have a baby angel that I truly love. I don't care what every one of you thinks about her, I don't expect y'all to accept her anyways since y'all are nothing to me. I just want you all to know the presence of my daughter. Hurt her I dare you to touch or talk dirty at my daughter... you wouldn't want to know what would happen to you if you dare... I of course took precautions on what people could do, so I have security lining" With that, he walked back to his seat, very composed and calm that it haunts Shang's soul.

She unknowingly smiles. Happy and scared at the same time. Happy that Jungkook didn't feel ashamed of her daughter.

" Is it true that Miss Lee Shang is alive?" Soon the background was a picture of them on the mall earlier. Shang could see it was her and the man she was holding hands with was Jungkook. "And are you aware that Mr. Kin Seokjin's confession on January 12 a few years ago in life too... And by that, is Mr. Kim Seokjin also alive?" Jungkook went silent for a moment, Making Shang who was now on the sofa nervously bit her lips.

" Yes Shang is alive, and so is Seokjin" He only answered two questions. The host noticed how he avoided the second question. They didn't hesitate to point it out.

"Are you aware?"

" Yes, I am very much aware of that fact. But from what I have seen, Seokjin was the one who fell, Shang didn't. Why? Because I know deep done in her heart, she still yearns for me" Shang saw how Jungkook spoke those words with a smile on his face, and at the end of his sentence, he look straight to the camera.

She couldn't stop the beating in her heart. She really couldn't. It hurts yet she wanted it to beat like this. It would explode in her ribcage but she wouldn't mind.

Why's it that people who do wrong to her apologize in the media? Shang remembered Jin. How he apologized and confessed his feelings in the interview and media also, not to mention it was life.

She couldn't help to wonder how Jin is coping. Gosh she feels horrible feeling butterflies over Jungkook when she knew fact that she loves Jin


" You don't understand Shang....without you...I'm nothing" Jin tried to reason out, pulling himself away from Shang slowly. Placing both his hands on her small shoulders.

" I-i don't know what to do without you..... Can I just... Just be selfish for once? I don't want to let go...." He sniffed his tears. Their shoulders limply fell as he saw the apologetic and pitiful look on Shang's face. " Shang I love you...I fucking do- I don't understand why you choose that prick over me..... I supported you during your hard times, I helped you raise June, and I gave you everything. Please I'm begging you. Just give me a chance" he let his head look down, gluing Shang on the floor with his hands, not wanting to let her leave him just like that. He's desperate

" But I didn't tell you to give me everything.....  I'm sorry Jin, I do love you....but- Jin- I'm sorry! Sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so so sorry-" Shang apologizes a couple of times, tears already falling from her eyes as she hugged Jin's limp body tightly. Her left hand was on the back of his head, moving it softly on her soft brown hair, the other on his neck. " You don't deserve such don't deserve this- you deserve better"

Jin saw it. He saw the defeat on the battlefield. He saw the hope dying down since Jungkook was winning. As if the younger holds a large sword and swings it at Jin's heart. They are in a war and Jungkook was winning, with their battlefield that is on Shang's heart. He knew he wouldn't have the chance to win against the younger. But he couldn't help to just hope that maybe he has a chance. Which he did, but- in a short time.

"Jin I'm sorry"



How are y'all!!! I missed all of you so freaking much! Btw I enjoyed reading all your comments. Our family is growing much much bigger!!!! We are moving in herds!!

And also I made a Comedy/Romance/Tragic ff.

It's a BTS Ff where the female lead needs a child and the seven boys donated their sperms. They need the 2 million dollars then surprise surprise~ the seven sperms survived and bang! Seven Fathers. It would be a slow update since I have a lot of books to finish lol.

Hope y'all could check it out~
I have y'all and I miss y'all 💞💜💜💜💜

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