Chapter Fifty One

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Like a bomb that would explode in any second. Shang's emotions started to go into a frenzy. Mixing and circling as if she would throw up at any second and would explode too.

By instinct, she ran. Their mind was blank and her feet has a mind of their own. The time seems to slow, as all Shang could see was pitch black, and her daughter, standing there in a daze.

With a harsh slap of reality, Her body halted in front of her daughter. Then her knees broke down with her hands immediately pulling June's small frame into her own.

She felt at home

"Baby...." She tried to speak a bit only to let out a whimper as there started to flow in her eyes. Like a fountain that wouldn't stop from flowing. She missed he daughter.

"Mommy you're alive!" Her daughter cried out in happiness, eyes already wet from the emotions that just exploded in her heart. Warmth, missed, happy, and content.

Those emotions were trying to fit in the size of their heart, their heart seems to be gripped by those emotions and didn't stop it's beating.

"Baby I'm sorry....I-" With that, they both cried. Not in sadness but in happiness to be in each other's warmth.

Jungkook gave both of the love of his life a smile, knowing that both of them needed time to pour their missed absences. Giving his hyung a look who was still shocked by the fact that the female who's been reported dead was alive.

" F*ck spill the teas"


" Daddy teach me to cook boiled eggs! And he teaches me to fold my clothes!" June happily shared whilst swinging her legs on the high chair. Looking at her mother with happiness in her eyes.

After their small little reunion, Shang finally manage to stop the tears and give June a hug that was equaled to the days she was gone. Kisses that were showered on the little girl's cute cheeks and I love yous that were been missed. June did the same, didn't ask as to what had happened to her mother since she knew not to point her fingers at things that could make someone disappointed or feel bad. Her daddy teaches her very well.

" My baby is growing well" the mother cooed as she placed the now newly baked fancy cake her daughter loves into the counter. Ready to be sliced and eaten by her daughter.

"Wow, mommy that looks delicious! I miss your cook Mommy... Daddy would always order this from the old restaurant and still, it doesn't taste as tasty as your cooking Mommy! Just looking at it makes me want to eat it all, but Daddy told me it's bad to be selfish since it's on the seven deadly sins so I don't want to be bad-" June started to ramble at things which made Shang to giggle out of cuteness. She carefully placed the cake in the living room with June following her that was still rambling at things that Shang would just nod, totally enjoying everything that escaped June's think lips.

Jungkook and Jimin went out to grab some stuff for tomorrow's flight back to Korea, and also Jungkook has a meeting with some of his people and stuff that Shang doesn't care about.

" Now let's eat baby....and while we're eating I went to know who's this little boy you took admiration with" Shang winked earning June's shocked face and now she had shut her mouth. The living room was still filled with the blankets from earlier so the only difference was the bucket of popcorn was no longer in sight but only two plates with both spoon and fork, the cake Shang had baked, sweets, and ice cream.

It was a girl's night out. It wasn't planned at first since Jungkook hadn't received any call from his businessman, that was before. But when his people did call, he was hesitant at first knowing he would miss such sight of the two love of his life reunite. But business is business.

Back to the girls. Shang could see her daughter's sudden change of mood. She was flustered and shy with a visible blush on her cheeks. It made Shang excited.

"Did Daddy tell you, Mommy?" She shyly asked as she nibble her little cute fingers. Trying to hide her heated face.

"Yes, Daddy told me this-"

"I promise I won't like him anymore Mommy! I want to talk to him! I promise!" She slightly screamed as she pulled her mother into a hug.

The little girl's head was about to die down. Her father told her to not like someone at this age yet, only to like someone if she aged 16, and so on.

"Hey baby it's okay! I don't mind...I found it cute and exciting" Shang confessed making her daughter smile sheepishly at her mother's agreement. Good thing her mom was there.

"Uhm...his name his Kim Hyun...." Shang could see the spark in her daughter's eyes as the boy's name escaped her lips. She's proud and happy to know that her child is growing up well and that she's maturing, but there is always a pain hiding in her heart. Scared to know that June would no longer need her as time passes.

"He has a little sister, he's nine years old mommy and he's very very least to me...." She smiled. The mother saw that her daughter grew very fond of the boy whose name was Hyun.

" How did you meet him?"

"I met him at the airport when I and Daddy were about to go to Canada. He said his father was in a hurry to move, together with his family.....but I met him again at my school!" She added while watching her mom slicing the perfect cake. Satisfied with the piece Shang placed on her plate, she began to eat.

" Can I meet him?"

"Yes, mommy!"


It's been a while!!!
Sorry for making you wait! The exam had started, the monthly exam and it's shit, and omfg tomorrow will be the end of our school and the start of our break!!!!

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