Chapter Nineteen

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"I want to learn things out Shang. I haven't properly apologize for what I did back then" Jungkook almost beg. It's selfish of him to keep pushing this issue when Shang look so haggard infront of him. He has no choice, if they end this conversation as is then they won't have a chance to have this kind of relationship in the future.

This is the accurate moment. Where all of their emotions are raw and free.

Their surroundings are empty. Both still in the entrance's hall standing in the very middle of the spacious room where an Italian patterned the circled around them and a large pearl and crystal chandelier hung above them. Centered perfectly in the large circle patterned tiles. All of the maids left earlier, continuing their duties but this tim they prepared certain necessities for the guests because it's clear that the guests are going to stay for the night.

"I'm really tired Jungkook" she confessed pinching the side of her forehead. The headache kept throbbing, distracting her from the painful stab in her stomach known as period.

"Let's go somewhere comfortable" he grabbed her arm without consent and pulled her upstairs to the right wing of the mansion.

With no strength, she let Jungkook pull her along to wherever this 'comfortable' place is. She badly wanted to lie down and just sleep. It's been such a hectic night and if she keep being awake for longer, she'll collapse.

A few steps where conducted and they finally arrived in a room that Shang could tell is the masters bedroom due to how massive it is and more well taken care of. Also, there's a huge picture frame of Jungkook in a suit Infront of a building known as the main branch of Jeon Enterprise. It's a magazine cover printed to a massive size. Jeon Jungkook brought Success is what the headlines said.

"Lay there" Jungkook seems persistent to continue the conversation. She have to give him the conversation he wants. It's the least she could do after his help.

She went to the bed as instructed and sat down on the soft duvet. So soft that she could immediately fall asleep if she were to lie down in the caramel covers.

"Have you eaten dinner yet?" He asked while removing his jacket revealing a white t shirt underneath and he tend to an isle where a jar of water and a glass cup were placed. He poured water into the glass and brought it to Shang. He handed it to her and she drank it muttering a quiet thank you.

"I'm not hungry...can we just continue the conversation?"

"Okay..." He pulled a chair from his desk and placed it Infront of Shang. Giving her some space.

"To clear things off...I just want you to know that whatever I said years ago wasn't true" Shang almost scoff but good thing she gulped it down.

"I wast stressed that day, my father had decided to arrange me with the daughter of his buisness partner because the company wasn't doing well. I- I was mad, he knew I was dating you but he had to choose such ways just to fix his company. I told him I can't since I know there's no woman in the world that could fill my life with happiness other than you. I was ready to drop the company if that was the only solution but he held my neck and forced me to stay. I was his only child so I don't have anyone to take my place. He began to blackmail me about our future if I were to step down and I can't take that. I don't want to put you in danger.  Everything piled up and it swallowed me whole. The next thing I knew I lost you"

Shang carefully listened. It's a fact that bus father is hungry for power and using his son is his only way of  growing his power. 

"After you left I realize so many things. Shang I can't live without you. The only thing that kept me alive all this time is the thought of you being out there still alive. I thought that it will be only a matter of time until we could return to what we were. So I worked hard to strengthen the company. I took my father's position and canceled everything prior to arrange marriages. I thought growing power can make me find you easily but no. It only brought me to realize that I shouldn't have chosen the company over you"

She didn't spoke. She doesn't know what to say. All she saw were a bunch of excuses. It still didn't change the fact that he acted so harshly.

"I assure you that I can be a better man. I took therapy to diminish my anger issues" though there wasn't such a thing to begin with. His therapist said that it was stress and burning out that causes his outburst. "So please...give me a chance"

Jungkook begged. He's brows where frowning, woody orbs glistening with sincerity.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I can't" she truthfully said. "Just be a father Jungkook"

"Why? It's not 'I won't ' but it's 'I cant' why can't you? What's the reason why you can't?"

"I can't be with you forever or a long period of time Jungkook. I just can't. Nothing more to it. I forgiven you for what you did, now you can be a father to June. Take care of her after I'm gone" as much as she wanted to give Jungkook a second chance knowing well that she still have feelings for him, she simply can't. She'll only bring the worst to him.

"What do you mean" Jungkook asked. Confusion written all over his face.

"We don't know our destinies. One of us can die sooner of later you know. It's the way of life so I just want to reassure myself that you will take care of June not because I'm here but because you wanted to be her father"

Jungkook wants to be June's father with all of his heart. He understands why Shang still question his sincerity over it.

"So let's forget these meddling feelings okay.   Let's forget all of it an just move on"

Jungkook won't. He'll never let go of this feelings, this yearning. He'll do anything to bring Shang back in his life.

Even if it means breaking Shang's words.


But is the story good tho? Because I think the story moves fast.

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