Chapter One

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"So if the eggs are cooked I can eat them? " June asked her mother who turned the stove open, placing the pot on the fire with water and 5 eggs inside. June recommended boil eggs for dinner with Jin since he babysits June during Shang's work in the restaurant.

Shang couldn't thanked Jin enough much, he would always babysit June at night when she's at work. She felt bad for the man who also has a life and work in the kitchen of a different restaurant morning to evening. Shang would always insist and would hire a babysitter for June since she understand how tiresome a work is and considering Jin has no time to rest, but he kept persuading her that June is a stress and tiredness reliever. She was lucky to have a friend like Jin and hope that there would be many people out there like him.

"Yes baby, but you can only eat it if you massage uncle Jin's shoulders okay?" She giggled, nibbling her fingers at June's soft black hair. The little girl nodded in excitement showing her bunny teeth while massaging her hands like a professional. Showing her skill to the amused adult.

"When will uncle Jinnie come?" She asked tapping her bare foot on the wooden floor patiently while looking at the door. The house is portable for the two of them. A perfect bedroom where Shang and June sleeps, a small open kitchen across the living room, and a simple bathroom. They don't need any dinning room to eat with, the kitchen already has 3 stools on the kitchen counter and open enough for you to eat on a normal sofa.

"Just give him 2 min-" and speaking of the beauty, the wooden door burst open revealing a beautiful man with wide shoulders, world wide face with plastics on his arms that looked too heavy for a beauty like him.

"Did my princess waited too long? " He roared earning the little girls giggles who ran towards him with her bare feet stomping on the floor. Jin placed the things he bought for the night on a counter besides the door and kneeled down while spreading his long arms for the little girl to fall into. And as soon as he catches the small girl he immediately swung her on the air making her excitedly yelp and earned a kiss from the man's puffy lips.

"No you didn't uncle Jinnie! " She sheepishly smiled clapping her hands as Jin signaled her to grab the plastic bags that has alot of foods, sweets and toys for her. While the girl was busy giggling when she opens the bags, Jin walked towards Shang who greeted him.

"And what are you still doing here my queen?" Jin smiled, hugging her with his arms making the female to roll her eyes.

"June requested to cook boiled eggs for dinner, I had to set things up so you can have a rest and just wait for the eggs to be cooked" she smiled adjusting her professional black and slick uniform properly and tying her hair on a bun. She may be a waitress but the restaurant is fancy that it had to recommend expensive clothing. But good thing Jin is the friend of her boss, so she's safe from buying those expensing uniforms. Shang had to admit it, Jin is the most helpful and perfect man she ever saw. His future wife would be so lucky to have a man like him.

" Hey! Didn't I told you I'm energized when I see you and June? I'm more worried about you, you don't even have enough sleep since your shifts always ends on 11, I swear I told that dumbass to move your schedule on the mornings but he had to be a hard headed dumbass! " He slightly scolded his friend by his mind making the female to laugh at his silliness.

She was to busy dusting her uniform that she doesn't noticed the intense look on Jin's face, and he was surprised that Shang haven't heard the rapid beatings of his heart, that oh so wanted to burst out of his ribcage everytime she move or just breath.

"Anyways, I'll call you when my shift ends, if you're tired you can just text me and sleep with June on the room. And don't forget June's night schedules " she smiled grabbing her sling bag while walking towards June who was playing with a pink pony Jin bought. " Bye baby! Uncle Jinnie will take care of you, and don't forget to massage his wall shoulders" she chuckled from the way June nodded her head intensely.

"Okay mommy! And I want that fancy chocolate cake when you come home!" Shang nodded kissing her forehead while looking at Jin.

" Take care of yourself Shang, and be sure to call me so I could drive you home safely" Jin waved making shang to nod and wave back, closing the front door and walked her way to the bus stop.

She couldn't afford a car since her allowance isn't good enough to pay taxes, it's just good and portable to feed both of them, and she doesn't know how to drive.

Ten to fifteen minutes had passed by and Shang was currently moving to a table and then a table, passing them a menu book and taking there orders. It wasn't that hard since the amount of people eating on the restaurant wasn't that much. The fun part of the work is that she could see how rich, famous, artist, idol all high classed people eat. The place is so expensive that the people who eat there are well known. The worst part was, she handled some rude people who she wanted to fucking kick their asses— but didn't because she doesn't want to loose her job— and some nice ones too.

Her boss told her to help her co-worker on delivering the food to the special guest, since it's special the price of the dishes are higher and more fancier than the normal servings they serve.

Grabbing a large tray with two covered dishes, she followed her co-worker to the assigned table of the guest, every time she would take a step forward close to the table she can hear men laughing on some jokes and goofing around. Her phone slightly vibrated on her pocket making her to loose focus on the guests table, but she manage to place the tray safely on the fancy green silk covered table without looking at the people she just served. Bowing politely to the guest who already went quiet, not a single laughter or words came out from the people. The female was still focusing on the vibrating object in her pocket that she lightly dig n hey pocket to switch it off.

" Thank you for choosing Big T's restaurant, we hope you'll enjoy the food " both workers bowed, and at last her phone stopped vibrating, making her to look up to see someone she never wanted to see.

Someone she wanted to avoid and hide to if possible.

There, sat four man, looking at the her like they've seen a ghost, but she was more focused on the sadness of someone's eyes.That sadness immediately vanish, and turned into an empty one.



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