Chapter Fifty Four

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2 days later~

" Hey miss!" A little boy jogged towards Shang who held two shopping bags in her hand. Wearing a large vanilla-colored coat and a red scarf with some glasses to prevent the drama she halted, turning around to see a little boy, probably six years old, wearing a jumper with a pair of yellow shirts and a small blue cap on his head with the word mommy's boy. 

" Yes, darling?" She asked. Confused as to why the boy was calling for her.

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers....but beautiful adult I'm lost..... " Shang realized that he was going to tear up at any moment, but he held his tears in. His teary eyes met Shang's worried once and it made her nod in agreement. Agreeing to help the little boy who is lost.

" Who are you with?"

"I'm with my dad beautiful adult... He's tall, he's kind, he wore-uhm... He wore a large rainbow shirt and he's like a sun" The boy tried his very best to explain what his father look like and Shang couldn't help to awe in cuteness. His teeth were clean but a little one was absent on his upper gums. Shang kind of remind her of Hani because of his cat-like eyes.

"Okay let's find him....where did you last see him?" She asked, placing the other shopping bag in her right hand. She went to the mall to buy some ingredients for the triple-layer pink cake June was craving. A craving in June is worst than a craving pregnant lady. So she was about to enter one of Jungkook's cars when this cute little boy asked for help.

" He's buying clothes at a super-e mall" The kid probably mean supreme but she got the clue, she held his small hand tightly and they began to walk to the supreme store.

" What's your name by the way?" She asked the little boy who was sprinting happily.

" I'm Hanseok Jung and I'm five years old and I live in my house" he resisted foreignly, showing five of his fingers and pointing towards himself. "How about you beautiful adult?"

She found it super cute and such a rare nickname. Shang could tell that this little boy doesn't live in Korea since he speaks English fluently despite his features of Asian.

"I'm Shang Ki-" she stopped for a moment. Since the last name she's carrying was still Kim, then the maids call her Mrs. Jeon. "I'm Shang Lee" she replaced making the little boy nod in agreement.

"But I prefer a beautiful adult since you're beautiful and very kind " he smiled.

It took some time to find the kid's father but at the end of the day, they found him. Turns out he too was trying to find his son and even announced on the Mall's speakers but Shang was out during the declaration.

"Dad!" He screamed, letting go of Shang's hand, and ran towards the male who was indeed wearing a rainbow shirt and some jeans with a bucket hat on his head.

"OH MY- HAN!!!" the mail cried. Ran to the boy and hugged him almost immediately. "I thought I would never see you again!" He run his hand on the boy's fluffy black hair, checking if he had any bruises on "Do you know how worried I am about losing you? Your mom would be very mad!". The father spoke in English to the boy.

"I'm fine now..... Good thing miss beautiful adult helped me.." Hanseok pointed to the girl who stood there confused as to what they are talking "Mom won't be mad...since mom wasn't home every day....." Shang saw the sad smile on the father's face as he kissed his son's forehead, carrying him soon after. It was a happy yet sad scene, and Shang wonder why.

" Thank you, kind miss... I wouldn't want to know what would happen to me if my son is out of my sight for more than 6 hours" he thanked Shang. Completely unaware that he's talking to The Shang. The woman who has a secret relationship with Jungkook and the woman who Jungkook and Seokjin are chasing. It's all on the news. But thank goodness the father spoke in Korean.

"No problem sir....." She politely bowed. Already forgetting that she has a house to go home to and a little angel to cook a cake with.

" Would you like to have dinner with us? It's my way of thanking someone and I'm the fact that I steal 6 hours of your day" Yes, they've been trying to find Hanseok's father for 6 hours now, it's already night. Blame the huge ass mall.

"It's okay Mr-"

"Hoseok... Call me Hoseok" He flashed Shang a very bright smile, Hanseok wasn't lying. His father is indeed like a sun.

"Shang" however Hoseok didn't budge. Although he slightly panicked in his mind to trouble the most powerful woman in the entire world—since she's the wife of the most powerful man in the entire world—Jungkook.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Mrs. Jeon... " He again apologized with full formality to the woman who immediately shook her head.

"Call me Shang no need for any formalities" she slightly laughs.

" Beautiful adult....are you going to come with us to dinner?" Hanseok asked Shang who politely shook her head, remembering June and Jungkook who were probably worried to hell right now.

"I'm sorry Hanseok I can't... I have to go home" She slightly smiled making the little boy nod in understanding, with a sad pout on his heart-shaped lips.

"Then let me walk you to your car least I need to repay you for helping my son" Hoseok suggested which made Shang nod. She needs a company either way.

So they began to walk to the parking lot.

"So, I noticed that Hanseok didn't grow up in this country?" Shang asked, curious at the moment.

"Yeah. We moved to the U.S. when my wife got a new job since my current office is in the US also, so we decided to become a resident in the US" he explained, carrying the Hansoek who was dozing off. Hoseok was holding some shopping bags also, with his son tied to his neck.

"you and your family went on a vacation here then? I'm sorry if I'm already entering your personal space " She laughed awkwardly realizing her questions and curiousness on over the top.

"No, it's okay." He reassured laughing at the end. " Only the two of us wife is still on her work for three or four years? This is a secret but screw it the mood is just nice" he laughed again, quietly whispering the few last words in his sentence.

"My wife works as an agent in the government. She was sent to this mission, well she was hired for this mission. I don't know any details on the mission, but all I know is it's here in Korea." He whispered secretly noticing his son who was already sleeping on his shoulders, tired from the game of Finding his father. Shang nodded and found the family setup and drama interesting.

"So you came here to Korea to find her? How long is she missing again?" She asked.

" Four maybe? She left when Hanseok was 2 in the Korean age. So I've decided to find her since her boss and leaders aren't giving us a clue as to where my wife was" he added. Shang was listening, very interested in the life this man was living and how hard he must have endured raising a child on his own. Shang felt the hard work and exhausting situation. So she understands what the man must feel.

" Did you find her yet? I mean, it's such a long year for a mission"

"No... I still couldn't. But I know who hired her" Shang could feel and hear the sadness and screams of comfort and love in Hoseok's tone. She could see how he missed his wife very dearly. He do, he missed her a lot and would do anything to find his wife.


" There's this man named Park Jimin "


Uhuh dis mAh shit

Triple update because y'all are been trying to find Hoseok! I planned to make him the man who Shang would end up with in this book since a lot of you want Jungkook and a lot of you want Jin I have a hard time satisfying all of you. But that would be more drama so I'm just gonna make Hoseok to someone else's competitor. Oh and comment if you would love to read Hoseok's story. I plan to make a book of them shortly because I have a lot of books to finish lol.

Hope y'all enjoy~

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