Chapter Thirteen

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"Go home safe Shang!" A man screams while waving his tattooed arms towards the female who bowed and waved back. It's 11 pm at night and Shang had finished her shift in time.

With a small shoulder bag on her shoulders, a plastic bag on the other hand carrying a slice of fancy chocolate cake June always love. This time June is spending the night at Jin's house. The poor boy was sick and has whine Jin to make June stay for the night, he would trow loud tantrums towards his uncle since he won't agree but he had no choice so he asked Shang for the permission which the woman agreed. If June is happy then Shang is also happy. Besides there's nothing to be worry about because Seokjin did noted that Jinji is pretending to be sick so June could stay.

She stop dead on her tracks when she felt like something is off. Grabbing her phone on a hurry she dialed Seokjin's number. When the phone started ringing a large shadow flashed before her eyes.

She couldn't process what was happening. The phone in her hand disappeared. Her heart started to beat incredibly fast as she followed the first thing on her mind. Run and catch than f*cking son of a b*tch.

She have been robbed.

With a heavy breath she started to run fast as if he life depends on it, following the running man with all black who stole her phone.

She can't afford to buy a new one knowing very well that she needs to save up for June's education. Besides, she got so many other expenses such as the electric and water bill, weekly food budget, taxes, saving accounts and home products.

"Yah!" She screamed, trying to catch the man's speed but there's no hope. He outrun her. Exhaling a large amount of air that's a size of an elephant she started to run with with all of her might, hands moving up and down as she tried to lighten her weight. Chest bouncing through the rhythm of her steps, slowly hurting.

But dear god, fate must have hate her life big time. She swore she haven't watched dramas on her life that she sprained her ankles like the books and TV she watched.  She sprained it right after she catched up to the man. It was embarrassing, her face fell through the ground but good thing her arms where quick to react to protect her head.

Face first she groan, mumbling her gratitude for not damaging her face. Then she groaned again after her muscles relaxed, feeling the transforming pain in her leg.

The man on all black stopped his footsteps to look at the female, a look of worried plastered on it's covered face but he ran nevertheless.

She shouted curses to the figure. But what broke her heart and made her worried was that the cake her daughter loves was splattered on the pavement. Oh no.

She immediately glared at the non existing figure and swore to her death she'll hunt the living daylight of him. Sighing with disappointment, she sat straight and examine her ankle. If was tinted with red, but she is one hundred percent sure that it'll turn into a purple bruise sooner or later.

June would be really disappointed to not see her favorite cake. Trying to stand up she yelp soon after as a pain in her ankle shoots aggressively in her system. D*mnit.

How's she supposed to go home? Where's help if you need on-

As if Lord hear her prayers, she heard a voice and soon footsteps ecoed.

"Miss are you okay!"

Oh God not him!

That voice. The voice of a man who helped her cope and brought a smile to her face..... The man who helped her and yet betrayed her..... Not exactly betrayed, but he chooses business over them..... But other than that, she hated him to the core, and maybe so did Seokjin.

She doesn't want to look at the man, she didn't move or even talked, she's just sitting their, praying for God to not let this man get close to her.


"Not so fancy meeting you here Mr. Jeon" Seokjin's eyes darken as he saw the very scene in his sight. Jungkook too close at June for his liking. The little girl could only beam in joy, very naive of the glare her uncle Jinnie gave to the infamous sad man.

"Nice seeing you Mr. Kim, I hope the deal are steal on....." Jungkook smirked, aware at the warning aura this older gave.

"You know Sad man uncle Jinnie?" Both men gave their attention to the little girl. As if she made such a good decision on knowing Seokjin and a very bad one on knowing Sad Man also known as Jungkook , the hidden father of this little girl.  The little girls pigtails fly upwards as she jumped her way out of the bench I'm excitement. Now that Seokjin knows sad man, her mother can easily accept sad man as her husband.

" e's sad man?" Jin cannot believe it. He thought sad man was someone beside Jungkook, like the way June explained he's more handsome than than the world wide handsome Seokjin was, very kind, very tall. To be really honest, Seokjin preferred His father since where did Seokjin had the looks of an angel? Obviously on his father and also from his mother. He stand with courage since he knew he's more handsome than the younger.

"The one and only" Jungkook smiled, at the young little girl. Meanwhile in Jungkook's head he was repeating the scene he saw on the parking lot where that man with Shang and the little girl somehow looked like Jin. Meaning this man really is with Shang. Could it be? But June has Jungkook exact face, not Jin.

"Well hello Sad Man , so can I please borrow June and never give her back to you?" Jin growled towards the younger. The little girl frown.

"But that's not sharing Uncle Jin!"As if she understands the situation. Jungkook gave the little girl a pat and agreed to her words.

"I know darling.....but sometimes valuable things doesn't need to come on, Jinji is sick and he needs you" with that June gasp in shock. The little girl did not process everything, when Jin just tagged her forward and pulled her like a leash dog. 

"Yah she's a child not a dog!" Jungkook screamed, his heart tighten from his ribcage as he looked at the little girl being pulled.  He felt the need to karate chop that Seokjin Guy. But maybe...Wait.

Seokjin had a child?!


Some time later Jungkook was walking down the road, he was supposed to finalized the files for Japan, but Jimin called 11 pm at night. He f*cking called telling him to meet him on the Big T restaurant but he ended up stealing Jungkook's car as soon as they arrived so he could drive and ordered the younger to walk at a specific direction. Here he was walking while mumbling some profanities at his breath when he heard someone screaming.

He rushed to the direction where the screamed went from and saw a Lady on the ground , groaning uncontrollably as her ankles where pure red . He skipped towards the female to hell the poor human being .

"Miss are you okay?"


Dun dun dun dunnnnn they met?!


And Ma Mama is home Hanns!!!! I'm happy and slightly annoyed since I had to clean every corners of my room

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