Chapter Two

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"Shang-" before Jungkook could stand and grab her arm someone came in a hurry placing his hand on Shang's wrist.

"Excuse me Misters but I need to borrow her for a moment" it was Jin. Shang thanked havens for the perfect timing. Without hearing their agreement like he needed to, He immediately pulled Shang inside the employee room. She didn't do anything but just  follow Jin who is somehow worried and slightly mad.

" You didn't tell me he was here...." Jin whispered as soon as he locked the room and faced shang who is still in her own mind.

If Jungkook is here.....he saw me..... Will he discover June? What will happened? Did he already moved on? If so please let him be.

" Hey.... Don't worry " Jin whispered hugging her, wrapping her with comfort and love.

" Jin..... What if he saw her? " She asked, now having the courage to look up at Jin's world wide handsome face, with sadness and trouble in her eyes. She's not gonna tear up.

" Then we'll explain..... But anyways, I came here because my princess wants to eat the fancy cake eagerly so we came here, and she's on the car " Jin smiled, breaking the contact with her small form. She chuckled while nodding her head and changing her uniform in one swift movement. It wasn't awkward, Jin saw Shang naked already so it's cool,only for her because she consider him a best friend.  But man is always a man, it's hard to admit that her body makes Jin's body hot. He also had needs you know.

" I need to grab the cake and tell my boss I'll have to get home early"

" I already told Bang, so let's just grab the cake and get the hell out of here " Shang smiled, the sadness worries and pain in her heart vanish as soon as Jin smiled. He's charming as ever.

Grabbing the cake with no problem they immediately left the restaurant and walked towards the parking lot where June waited patiently at the passenger seat with Jin's phone in hand, playing candy crush. As soon as her eyes fall on two descending features she smiled in excitement.


On the other hand the man from early could only follow his eyes to her who was been pulled by a tall and wide shouldered man. His companions could only look him with pity. It was a very uncomfortable situation earlier and knowing his issues over her, he have it hard.

"Was that Shang?" The man with a glasses on and a complete set of brown tuxedo asked. Earning a smack on the head sooner as he questioned.

"Are you blind dumbass? Oh wait you are since you wear glasses! Obviously it was her "a man with milky pale skin said, rolling his eyes as soon as he smacked the glassed man's head. Then they began to scold each other back and forth dissing one another and showing it obviously clear that they're annoyed. The poor guy could only look at the already closed doors where those two individuals went out.

"If you regretted things in the past....then the least you could do is give a proper closure and apologize "the man who wasn't in the fight between the other two said while  patting the younger's back in comfort.

"Excuse me for a moment " The man named Jungkook said, standing up while staring at the pair who now exited the room they entered and grabbed a box on the counter that the other employee gave. He followed the two who now is leaving the building.

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