Chapter Forty

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"Oh my gosh honey!" Shang screamed in delight making a shuffled noise to hear on the other side of the room. The person must be in a hurry as a lot of breaking noises were heard the moment Shang screamed.

"Yes, Honey!" A dashing Seokjin came, his large t-shirt hung loosely on his body, his eyes were still unsteady and his hair was all tousled from left to right. He just woke up. Leaning his large hand on the doorframe and rested all of his body weight on the walls because his legs couldn't process his sudden aggressive movements the second he woke up.

Their house is simple it contained a medium size living room, a kitchen, and a table containing two chairs beside the large window, leaving a breathtaking view of the seas. Two portable living rooms and a bathroom. They're living normally. Like the whole drama and company, problems didn't exist.

"Did I wake you up?" Shang pouted locking her arms around Seokjin's waist. The moment she saw him guilt evaded her emotions. She disturbs his sleep and Seokjin needs to have enough sleep in order to have energy for his tiresome chores.

Now you must be wondering, what is his job? He owns a small farming company in a village not far away from this island, he doesn't need to go to the village every day, every once in a week is enough to check if his company is doing well which it does, amazingly. He had helped many people in that village and it gave him a good amount of money for their weekly delivery. Here's a secret, Jin still has access to his old bank account during his years of taking care of the business of his grandparents. He set aside promising himself to use that money for emergencies. Like the time when he sent Shang to America. But apart from his work, he mostly gather and chop wood, fished for their restock, take care of some of their farm animals, build random furniture while building the cottage near the shore, and plant crops in their garden. While Shang cooks the food, takes cares of the house, waters the plants, and makes sure that Jin is loved.

Here's what truly happened. After the explosion, Jin and Shang safely ran for safety. Some burns had wounded their body. It was mostly Jin who was injured because he protects Shang from the fire. Shang fainted and Jin had to bring her to America since he knew there was a better chance of removing the tumor in Shang's head there than in Korea. He tried bringing her to the hospitals in Korea, all they did was make sure they were mended and safe to travel away. 

The procedure was successful. Shang's tumor was removed thanks to the magnificent doctors. But sadly some side effects have to occur. Some side effects were memory loss, momentarily shutting down of her body and tiredness. So far not all are alarming.

Some of her memories will come back if it were to be triggered. Seokjin hoped it won't come back because what they have now is lovely and special.

That's why Jin had decided to lay low. He's scared that if Shang's memories return, she would leave him and be mad at him for keeping everything a secret and a lie.

"Gosh, you wake the hell out of me.....I thought you were in danger....." He breathed out immediately hugging Shang with his long arms and large frame. "Good morning honey" he kissed her lips.

"I'm sorry for scaring you old grampa" she joked but kissed him back also." Good morning to you too and I've found a letter by the way!" She added removing Jin's arms from her waist and walking to the table where she left the envelope. Shang was excited because it was the very first time someone sent them a letter. 

She soon then handed it to Jin earning his confused face as he looked at the envelope that had written a small To Seokjin Kim. Weird. No one had ever mailed them a letter and no one knew where they are.

"It came on the weekly delivery, Juki said it's from the post office," Shang said saying the name of the delivery guy who always delivers to them and stayed loyal to Jin.

"What are you waiting for? Open it!" She is enthusiastic, more excited than Jin. Jin's large Shirt also hung loosely on Shang's small frame and her hair was already tied into a messy ponytail.

Jim slowly opened the envelope where a neat white sheet of paper was inside, setting the envelope away he then opened the paper.

To my Dearest Cousin,

I know where you are and I know that you are still alive. Surprise I also know what had happened and what had happened to Shang also. Don't worry hyung I won't tell anybody.....since I still owe you for giving me the company. I just want to invite you to my wedding with my Fiance. Don't worry it's a private party where the Kims are only allowed, the main wedding will happened tomorrow after the private party. Don't worry about Namjoon Hyung, I'm sure he won't attend since his filled with jealousy of me. Even though I had invited him. Anyways, I have set a flight for you tomorrow with Shang. The event will be on September 09 so don't worry about the money since I have handled it all. If you won't come, I'm sure Jungkook would be glad to know that Shang's alive.....

From Yours Truly Cousin

Jin gripped the paper angrily. This small action caused Shang to worriedly look at her man.

"What's wrong honey?" She softly asked, placing her small hands on his larger ones that had relaxed from the grip he had earlier.

"Nothing's wrong's just my cousin had invited me to his wedding" he honestly replied as he sat down the paper, not forgetting to fold it back.

"That's amazing! You didn't tell me you have a cousin!" She surprisingly gasp as she hugged Jin happily. He hugged her back with messy thoughts.

He knows that the younger is planning something. He couldn't pinpoint his fingers as to what he was planning. And how did he even know that Jin is alive? Could it be Juki? But no he's loyal to their promise.

"Well, I don't, but sadly by paper and blood I have" he murmurs angrily earning Shang's kiss.

"Don't be so bitter to your cousin Jin!"

"If I won't then I'm probably 6 feet under the ground..."

But he had no choice. It was either go to the party or let Jungkook know...


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