Chapter Five

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Warnings : this chapter was created of out ideas and comedy. Some of the words are mature so if you feel dissed or taken a back please just ignore this update, take note that after this chapter nothing will change in your life or BtS, this is just a Fanfiction.

"Of course!" The man named Namjoon laughed while stomping his large hands on the table, creating banging sounds that earned a few glances from other tables.

"Wait so you aren't planning on getting a girlfriend?" Shang asked really surprised while they all ignored the stare of people and the compliance of them being loud. 

Shang decided to stroll in the mall to kill some time and enjoy the moment of shopping. While she walked to the food court of the mall she stumbled upon Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi who came from a a branded store searching for a suit to wear in the upcoming welcome party of non other than the CEO of the Jeon Enterprise tonight. The boys are really surprise to see her a second of time and it kind of feels awkward but their silliness are still the same which made her comfortable sooner.

"Yeah, relationship is kind of a barrier from my works and al- Oh God I'm sorry Shang" Namjoon said as soon as he realized what topic he had went in to, they still think it's a sensitive topic knowing Shang and Jungkook's situation back then.  The two boys gave him a glare and a disappointed sigh.  Back then Jungkook, these guys and her were pretty close, they're like a family. But until that breakup, they haven't contacted each other since the issue is just too intense and they all don't know what to say.

"No it's okay Joonie..... I've moved on" she smiled, reassuring the man that he didn't said something upsetting or offending. She's telling the truth, she wasn't that affected by the issue that much than she was at the past.

"So how about you huh? Found someone trust worthy and not a dumbass that would push you away?" Jimin wiggled his brows to change the silent atmosphere. It did work. 

"Not that interested as of the moment" she smiled, sipping the milkshake she bought.

"Shang, don't follow this dipshit's footsteps" Yoongi yawned pointing towards Namjoon who immediately raised his hand in an offensive manner.

"Oh please Hyung, like you aren't following mine" and then they started the dissing competition like always. While ignoring both of them that received everybody's attention inside the restaurant/cafe they the rest only remained silent and the more mature people talked.

"Tell me your address so I could hang out with you sometimes...." Jimin winked while making Shang to roll her eyes and chuckle.

"You're to busy with work anyways so it would be useless" she said, trying to avoid this topic since if they know where her address are, it's one hundred percent sure sure that they'll visit her everyday, and they would see June. But then again, she would sound the bad guy of this story. She doesn't want to keep this a secret to her close friends...but that thought of them avoiding their responsibilities and possibly spend it with June just made her hesitate. What if rumors started to spread?

Thank God that the boys are wearing something to cover they're identity, but the attention they're earning just seems so irritating.

"If you're going to be that stubborn Shang I can just hire someone to locate you" he shrugged, smirking evilly making her to sigh and ended up telling him her address, but with a promise not to tell everyone just him. Which made Jimin become suspicious. The other two are busy to hear.

"Why do you want to keep your house a secret? Don't tell me your hiding something dirty? Or something valuable?" He soon wiggled his eyes, looking deeply at her eyes.


"What's your dictionary then?!!" Namjoon was all heated up, all the attention, even the people passing the restaurant was in their direction.

"It's my head !! My head is way more futuristic that the words Namjoonbunkysmallnut, Vminkook , CherrypoopassAmazingthighJimin is written on it.  What about yours? Does Namjoonblindbreakglasses is on your dictionary? If not then suck your book!" Shang and Jimin immediately tried to separate the both, good thing that this is still small compared to the flight they had on that restaurant they where in earlier.

"It doesn't but Suckyoongissmalldick is!"

"Why you son of a worn out sock-"

"Enough! Misters please leave this grounds immediately! I've received a couple of compliance from your behavior, if you won't leave then you'll be band at Dinny Smit Cafe" a man that looked like the manager of this cafe said while pointing to the exit. Shang and Jimin could only look at each other, whilst the two mentioned men earlier looked at the manager with furious eyes.

This isn't gonna end well, thought Shang and Jimin while they hurriedly pack their stuffs ready to pull the boys. But it was too late, since they are now murdering the man with their intense eyes. They may have some cover ups on their faces but the manager was still scared at the fire on both men's eyes.

"What kind of a name is that?! " Namjoon asked in disbelief while crossing his hands.

"Dicky smell cocaine? Hah good one old man!" Yoongi laughed making the man to feel slightly uncomfortable when the two different height-ed man towered his form.

"I bet they put cocaine in this shits too?"

"Sir please leave or do I have to call the security" the man trembled in fear, holding his head board to hide his face.

"If you could just let us diss each other in piece, you wouldn't be in this such of state..... But you have to point your filthy dicky fingers on our dissing moments than just stuck it to your hole " Namjoon said making Yoongi to to hum. Earlier they're fighting and now they're okay and seems close and fine? As if nothing had happened than just a plain and little argument they have every single day.

"Joonie Suga!!!! There's an underground rap at street ***** " Shang screamed making the boy's to immediately collect their stuffs and ignore all the people's states and asap-ly ran outside of the cafe and to the address Shang screamed, while the both mature guy just sigh in relief, leaving the quiet restaurant that as if the Angel's rings are gone.

And that's why you can't let Yoongi and Namjoon being on the same room at a long time.


Did this update made you somehow smile? Or eye smile? If so, comment if you wanted some more of Namjoon and Yoongi dissing moments.

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