Chapter Forty Five

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" Where have you been for years?" Jungkook asked as he carried the tray the maids had left. Inside the tray were food and some water. He turned towards Shang who was just standing at the window, looking at the skies reminiscing the memories she had forgotten.

Earlier she was with Jin, sleeping lovingly and passionately together on the bed as they talk about the future they're about to take over, and now she's with Jungkook hesitating as to what she's going to do. She admitted it, she had that overflowing feeling of comfort from Jin, and then there's Jungkook.

Why did I even want to go here? she asked herself. Why? Why did she even bother? She could have just gone home and talked to Jin about her memories. She hates Jin for hiding June from her but she can't blame him entirely because in the first place, why did she let herself forget about June, her own daughter? She has so many emotions that it confuses her. One thing is certain, she wants to see June now.

"I-i was with Jin..." Jungkook's eyes suddenly turned dark as he quietly scoff in disbelief under his breath.

"I thought he's dead...and I thought you're dead too" There was a point in time when he thought of her as long gone. Trying to cover the shock he felt when he saw Shang. Who would have thought that seeing her in front of him would feel so foreign after doing everything he can in finding her? He spent so much just by searching for her and she just magically appeared after he began to lose hope.

"Well, here I am... I live with Jin for years in Europe and I don't know how I even ended  up there...." The memories she had during 3 years run through her mind like a movie film. It made her heart beat insanely abnormal. It's hard to let it go, the love, the comfort the warmth she had spent with Jin was still on her nerves. It was real, what they have is real.

"That bastard did something to you..." Darkly mumbling, he stood beside her after he placed the tray beside Shang. "I know this is too much, but you have to tell me everything, Shang. I deserve to know, everyone deserves to know after everything that had happened"

She knew exactly what he meant, and he did have the right to know. Shang glances at Jungkook, seeing him look stressed out and aging like fine wine. His anger didn't go unnoticed by her despite his trying his best to conceal it and argue with her without having the opportunity to hear what happened.

"I have a brain tumor, stage 3." A moment of sorrowful silence passed both of them. When she knew Jungkook was speechless she continued. " It's a family thing. My father has it and that caused him to pass away. I knew when I was young that I'll soon have that sickness and I didn't expect it to come during my pregnancy..." She took a sharp breathtaking seat on one of the chairs the room has. Somehow her legs started to shake unable for her to stand.

"I.....I thought of giving up while June was 3 months old..... I know I'm stupid of thinking that but I feel more bad to know that she would die painfully with my sickness. 5 months during the pregnancy I lost hope." She sniffs a little, averting her gaze away from Jungkook, scare to see how pathetic and weak she looks in front of him. " The doctor said I could just drink some pills to abort June or let her grow in my stomach, dead. Of course, abortion was too harsh and I hate to do that to my I bare on letting her grow." She remembered every painful moment she have during the pregnancy, how she would suddenly receive pain, daily hospital visits, and maintenance.

"The doctor said it was a miracle that June was alive in my stomach when I was in labor. I actually wanted to push June out like every normal pregnancy was, I wanted to be able to deliver bed myself with the pain-- so that I could experience the hardship and pride of a mother, but sadly in my state I can't." She weakly smiled at Jungkook who kneeled on the height of the chair, his hand unconsciously holding her hand. "With God's Blessings, they successfully delivered June safely, and to my surprise, she was very normal and healthy"

He felt very bad. Like bad bad. He could have been with her during those awful days, caring and comforting her through the rough times of her pregnancy, just like a real father and a husband. He was out of words to say anything to her.

" After the explosion- is my daughter alright?" That kind of hurt Jungkook but he nodded in agreement telling that June is perfectly fine after that explosion." I- I just woke up in a hospital bed, as far as I remember Jin didn't say any wrong information but he kind of did hide the fact that I have June. I must say, when I woke up it was very hard to remember things, I'm very confused and I don't even know who Jin is-"

"He hid our daughter from you?!" Jungkook angrily spoke standing up aggressively making Shang's pupils largen.

"Yeah...he's a *sshole for hiding her" she whispered. The fact is known that if Shang asked Jin about it, Jin would tell her everything. He didn't hide June from her, he simply just didn't inform about June. Trying to buy time for Shang t depend on him.

"...but Jin., he made sure I was okay, he made sure I was comfortable and he.....he gave me love" a small smile appeared on Shang's lips. Those words hit Jungkook like a bitch. His heart tightens uncomfortably and his throat heats up. Jin Jin Jin Jin....what's so good about him? He mentally asked himself as he rolled his eyes. "I'm stupid...Jungkook..."

"Yes?" He mumbled. It's not like they mend their relationship before the explosion. They were co-parents, nothing more.

" How's June? Where is she?" She stands up. Remembering the part when she heard Jungkook speaking to someone on the phone. His sweet words gave Shang the hint that he already has someone, which she despised it. It's hard to admit but she has this desperation that she hopes Jungkook still hasn't had someone. But it would be for the better. 

At the end of the day, she'll run back to Seokjin, where she felt comfortable. Not after talking things out with Jin. She's mad too.

"June's safe... She's in Venice Italy with Jimin. You don't have to worry about her-although she's hurt after the explosion. She was very hurt to the point she never accepts your death-Shang I thought you were dead...I've searched everywhere for you, searched the whole world..... Fuck everything, Shang."

She was taken aback at his sudden change of mood, he took Shang into a hug and tightly held her in his arms.

"I won't ever ever let you go again... Shang I lo-"

" Save it Jungkook...... You need to talk to Yoongi for now..." She broke his words knowing full well what it was. Shang does not want to cause much more burden before unraveling many of the burdens she's carrying. She wants to be sure that she knows what she wants before accepting Jungook's undying love.

Crazy things had happened at the beginning of the day and Shang couldn't swallow everything. She has a lot of things to rethink: about Her memories, about Jin, about Hani, and about what to do now that she remembers her daughter.

"I understand"


Not just yet Jeon Jungkook 😂👌

ome boring shit about to happen.
Just some other characters' Point of View.

And y'all we are now 730+!!!! Wgduajnefjiaoanxmcka Hansss y'all are growing big! I've already set Hanss as my password to present my love for y'all!!!! wbciaiaikdks I'm happy!

I love y'all!!!

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