Chapter Twelve

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"What!? " Jungkook yelled, throwing the files out of the table.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung declared a meeting with you privately and urgently this afternoon" his assistant spoke, kneeling down so that she could retrieve the papers that fell on the floor.

"Cancel it, I'm going out today" Jungkook mumbled, removing his jacket and soon after he wore his black hoodie. He remembered his promise to that little girl. He can just back down and not go to the park because it's possible that she won't be there and their promise was only something a silly accident, but he felt the need to see her once more, as if it was his responsibility to go in the park. He smiled at the large window revealing the beauty of the Japan.

"B-but Mr. Jeon, it's important-"

"It isn't, now go and tell him to cancel it." Jungkook strictly spoke, leaving out of his office and to the parking lot where he entered his car and drove to the park.

It's 12 pm and he's been waiting for the little girl to arrive, at the same spot where they met. He sigh, covering his head with the hood of his jacket and slightly relaxing his body. Closing his eyes while enjoying the breeze.

If she's not gonna come then it's okay. He needs a break from the stress anyways and refreshing park with the satisfying weather helps him calm his tired neverse.

"SAD MAN!!!" Someone shouted at the background making his thin pink lips to instantly grin. He opened his eyes to see the little girl  running with a huge bunny grin in her thin lips.

So she did forgot the promise



"J-jin..... " Shang whispered uncomfortably frozen at her spot. The man only let out a huge sigh which causes the tiny hair on her neck to stand due to its sensitivity and Jin's hot breathe, veins electrify and heart skipped a beat. The man inhaled her sent one last time before removing his large arms from her.

She was shock, not by the fact that Seokjin said something and do something abnormal, but the fact she felt a sudden thunder of feelings the exact feelings she felt from Jungkook. The veins electrically flashed, her heart skipped a beat. Was she in love with Jin? This feeling is awfully familiar

Soon Jin laughed.

"How's the line?" He jokingly and playfully laughed. Her heart drop down while sighing in both sadness and confusing.

What is she thinking?! Of course Jin was just playing! Why would he like you anyways? It'll just burden him if he does.  I mean, who would date someone like you? A broken, single mother with no proper job? She thought to herself, just making her self esteem lower.

"You scared the sh*t out of me Seokjin" She tried to laugh making the man to laugh as well and helped her clean the dishes

Seokjin would have let Shang process what he did but he couldn't forgive himself if Shang accepted hus feelings in the wrong way. He felt fear on Shang's body when he touched her and he though it was a fear of being touched intimately, so he agreed to the first thing that came up in his mind.  Laugh the embarrassment and pain away. He faked a laugh to escape the awkward situation that he brought upon.

But if he just let it go as it is, Shang could have registered the feelings back knowing she was slightly in love with Seokjin, or is there even a thing?

Time passed ~

Jin let June ran out the park excitedly while screaming something he couldn't faintly hear. He was deep in his thoughts about the confession he made, and the pain and sorrow he after that moment. Closing his car's door shut he carried June's pink bag with her necessities insider. Shang gave him full permission to go anywhere and do anything with June that can make her happy, since she's busy cleaning the house and doing the laundry.

He sat on a bench, not knowing what to do. His mind was blank, empty even.  He can't have the dreams he wanted for so long. The dream where Shang wis in his arms, while June is on his lap. The name of Kim Shang and Kim June just made his heart do summer saults. He couldn't help but to imagine things he possibly can't afford to have.

Seokjin is a coward.

He still haven't realize that June was busy talking with some hooded guy a few feet away from his location.

You now sad man you look  like me" June pointed out, pointing at her very  face and to his. Jungkook let out a slight chuckle. Knowing it earlier than her. "Are we twins?"

"I thought I'm your daddy" he laughed, scooting a little closer to June.

"No you're not, you're mommy's daddy" she re-correct him earning his confused face at the second.

"If I'm your mommy's daddy then I'm your daddy also, I'm your daddy and your mommy is my wife" he explained, and somehow it gave him a family like feeling that hu thoughts created scenarios. The girl stopped thinking for a moment, letting his words registering in her small head. It was silent.

"So that means you gonna give me good night kissies, bring me to school and make mommy happy on the lock room?" She asked, sparkles shone in her eyes as she widen her brown orbs to Jungkook waiting for his response. He seem to understand every words escaped on June's mouth, but he slightly widen his eyes at the end. Lock room? Make her happy? Does that include clothes in the floor? His face turned red.

He have never done that smoochy smoochy things for the pass 4  years after that breakup, pretty sure Shang was the very last person he have.....and that night was very hot and memorable for him.

"Yeah I guess" he sounded unsure, touching the back of his head while awkwardly laughing.

"Why you sound unsure..." The girl mumbled, eyeing the man with suspicious.

"I-it's just that I don't know who your mother yet and I have not met her" he explained the confusion in his chest making the girl to nod in understatement.

"Yeah..... She's really busy, she works at night always and has to leave me with uncle Jinnie..." After she had finished her sentence a scream was heard from the distance.



I had a very bad day today.....
I'm just gonna write it here since I'm more comfortable than saying it with people.

Our new house was finished and my father moved every stuffs we had on that house, but he called my aunts saying he can't fetch us from our other house. I obvious know that my father would drink with some of his friends.

So that happened, his phone gone missing and he really regret it. May 25 is the worst day of my life. I'm writing this during a rainy day and we took shelter on some open restaurant.....

Thanks for reading this update!

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