Chapter Twenty Four

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"Shang get a break! Seokjin is here" her manager said making her nod, wiping the last table so she can, and leaving to the employee's room. With heavy a breath, she immediately thrust the damp cloth on a small plastic bag that's attached to her belt along with a few tools for cleaning the table. Walking her way to the bottom floor. There are three floors in total.

As soon as Seokjin is in sight her smile that's been tightly attached to her face turned down. The man was in a very hectic state. The state where a large tower-like tornado took its course and left a trail of Hazzard. This state of Seokjin made her heart drop immediately, it hurts to see those large dark circles in the bottom of his eyes, his slightly pale lips, is that a visible scoop in both of his cheeks? What had happened to this poor man while she was away?

"OH GOD SHANG!" Seokjin hurriedly sprinted to where she is, stunned in her position she let him engulf her in his wide and warm arms" YOU MADE ME NUTS! I thought you and June were kidnapped!" He shouted to the female with desperation and relief. Remained stunt, it was new to her to see such a state of the man she has been with for four years and counting.

"J-jin" was the only word that had escaped her mouth as she widen her eyes still looking at the man in front of her who is now grabbing his phone, flashing it to her eyes to see all the missed calls in his phone. He'd been calling her 52 times now and yet she haven't answered considering that her phone got stolen.

"Shang...where have you been?" His voice went into a whisper, receiving Shang's full attention. They both may not notice it but Jin's arms are slowly lowering down and hers are on his hips, her head was on his chest as she just listened to Jin's uncontrollably loud heartbeat. It's like his heart was at war and with hers? Her heart was rapidly jerking as well, in sync with his beats.

 "I- Jin my phone was stolen and I couldn't contact you and-" she rethink of what she would utter next. Would she tell? That Jungkook already knows everything and they're now living in his mansion? And the fact that she save up every money she had so that she could fly back home to Korea and start anew with June. "And Jungkook knows" That's all it takes to make Jin's emotions drop, his lips were now turning paler as he lost all his power to think.

"B- I'm glad you're safe, is my Baby safe too?!" He somehow dared to avoid what she has said and threw it on the back of his head, not wanting to even think about it. "Yes, June's good and safe, she's okay now after her fever"

"SHE HAS A FEVER?!" Some workers that are already cleaning the restaurant looked when the sudden scream erupted making Shang look away not wanting to earn such a crowd.

Damn it Jin! You had to agree on June's request to cuddle with Jinji!! This is your fault! But no it isn't! June is at fault since she gave you the puppy face! You know you hate and love it at the same time!! No, you have to hate it! It's a curse! A spell! He scolded himself mentally taking notes not to fall for June's puppy face anymore, which still will fail since the girl is like a puppy herself.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could bring you to the hospital and take care of you both!" He whined grabbing her bag so that they could leave this restaurant that was aching both of their feet from standing. Walking towards the direction where the exit of the parking lot was they successfully left the building without causing a huge drama.

"I lost my phone okay? " She sighs tiredly while following the taller, each step he takes skipped as he sprints to his white car.

"But why weren't you in your house? And was it true that the landlord said you'll be packing all your stuff tomorrow?" He asked, opening the passenger seat's door to the female who mumbled a small thank you and entered the room grabbing her bag in his hands.

"I was about to bring June to the hospital but somehow Jungkook was at the front door and he helped me bring June to the hospital. We're staying at his place because he has a private doctor there that can tend to June immediately. I'm leaving Japan, I've been planning to do so ever since June wants to go to school, June is 6 days late for her school and I had to fly as soon as possible so that she could catch up on her studies" she explained looking at Jin that was now locking the car's door and buckling both their seatbelt.

"Is Bang not paying you enough?"

"It is enough but the expenses keep increasing and the stores are raising their prices"

"Don't stress about June's studies, she's just a baby and I can just always hire a private teacher for her! I have a house in Korea, you could stay there if you want..." Starting the engine he then drove off away from the restaurant "I'm also leaving Korea for some vacation that I've been planning..." He again avoided the conversation about the man he hated and envy the most, not wanting to hear anything more about him on Shang's beautiful lips. 

"Jin...I can't, as much as I wanted to agree and wholeheartedly accept that... Jungkook wants to stay with June and I already know that if I tell him about my plans, he'll offer the same thing... She's June's father..." She whispered, good enough for Seokjin to hear. His grip on the stirring wheel tightened as he forced himself not to burst into anger at such ridiculous excuses. Why would a man who just appeared after so many years have much more rights than a man who stayed the entire time?

"W-whatever makes you happy...I can just support you and June, but if you feel a little bit of discomfort just call me and I'll be taking you to my house..." He smiled, remembering his limits and obviously, he won't give up on that younger dude.

"How am I supposed to call you when-"

"I'm taking us both to the store don't worry I'll buy you another one so quit complaining and explain to me the whole scenario why that d*ck*ss is on your front door" After all, it's concerning why Jungkook visited her that late at night and when Shang is having an emergency. It's as if it was planned all along.


"Do you think Mommy would like it?" Jungkook asked the little girl who couldn't stop admiring the shining device in the perfectly sculpted box that has red crimson blood-like foam inside, curved under the box perfectly. The box is very--- perfect than Santa Claus can ever make.

"Yeah!!! Mommy always likes Blue! And glitters too!" She cheered, wanting to touch the device but noted not to, not wanting to ruin the perfect gift. Jungkook seems to notice the sudden retreat of June's hands to the box.

"Don't worry angel...tell me what you want and I will give it to you" he smiled, kneeling on his daughter's height while carefully patting her short black silky hair.

"I want to not stress Mommy anymore...I hate when I see mommy tired." She pouted circling her small arms on her father's neck so that he could carry her. "you not stress mommy? " Kissing the girl's cheek, he smiled and said.

 "Don't worry baby angel...I'll help mommy to not stress anymore and do you think mommy will like our gift for her if the lock screen is our face?" He asked making the girl nod.

Jungkook immediately grabbed the slick device, opened it swiped it to the camera, and raised it so that the device copied their faces. Jungkook counted to three and pouted, while June pose a peace sign and pouted her lips following her father's features that printed an identical photo.

Setting it to become a lock screen both smiled at what they did admiring the beautiful picture. Jungkook placed the limited edition phone back in the box and closed it.

He just hopes she'll love the phone he designs just for her, for her only.


Meh is running out of ideas.

And damn high school drama sucks!!!



Thank I for reading this chapter everyone!!! And Hanss we are almost reaching 400 hansss!! And thank u for the 60k reads!!! I appreciated it!!!

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