Chapter Thirty Six

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Not giving the man a single reply she stopped for a good minute and then just walked off. She heard the man scoff and footsteps started to echo. A hand harshly twisted her shoulders causing her to stumble a little as her body turned. With one swift movement, the man forcedly pushed her onto the rough maroon concrete wall. A small groan escaped from her mouth.

The man's fingers tightly gripped the female's skin turning her face to a frown. Hani never fought back—she never did even if the man was now cutting her skin with his nails. The only thing she did was to look at his eyes with no glint of emotions.

Taehyung only held the eye contact his eyebrows flicking into an angry manner. He's beyond mad, everyone could tell with his thick brows and the way he's gritting his teeth. None of them dared to speak. Letting the quietness fill their surroundings. They let the silence speak.

A sudden sound of something beeping interrupted the silence. Taehyung pressed something in his ears as he remained in eye contact. Some murmur was heard in the small speaker in his ear.

"Just needed to finish some unfinished business. Y'all can head back" he said as he pressed the earpiece without hearing the caller reply. He then pulled the device out and threw it away, slamming his foot to break the device into tiny pieces.

"Let me go," she said coldly to the man that still wasn't letting her arms go. Glued to to floor with the strength of a beast pushing her was a pain in the back.

"No can do princess you're coming with me" He commented flatly while pulling her causing her body to slam into his body. Remaining the tight hold on her arm.

"F*cking let me go" she warned making the man to shrugged and snorted at the attempt Hani made when she kicked the man's part where the sun never raises, but in an instinct he dodged it. She did train countless times, pushed heavy metal, dodge every opponent, and punched materials harder than meta— maybe she's just not in the mood—but in reality, she's just soft to the man, she won't admit it.

"I've lost you once and I ain't losing you again"


"When did it start" Jin demanded, speechless by the words that escaped Shang's mouth. There, she already said the truth. His heart stopped pumping blood as all that substance drained from his body, leaving his lips to become pale.

"A few months ago..." She sniffed. Letting her tears fall from her shaking eyelids. She sat exhaustedly on the bench. They found Jeon's Garden which was now sprawled in on the comfy bench.

" Why didn't you at least tell me" Jin stuttered, still wasn't believing the truth that slapped his face. His sight went blurry, feeling the hot substance fall on his cheeks. He hid his face away from the crying female who also did the same,  hiding her pathetic face away from them man.

"I-i was scared.....I-was such a burden to you and I don't want you to worry about I-"

" You were never a burden to me..... You could have told me earlier so that we could go to a hospital and they could remove that... I can help you, you could have let me...." He interrupted Shang's words by turning his body to face Shang, and both their knees came in contact. His hands slowly grabbed Shang's cold ones, making her look into his eyes. From her teary and red eyes to his sad and teary ones also.

"Stage 3. It was stage 3 when I knew.....and I know it couldn't be rem-"

"We can remove it. I will find a doctor who could remove it, I don't fucking care how much the operation cost but I promise can be removed" he pleaded, kissing the back of her palms. He was saying it to himself, to believe and gave him hope.

"But if it was removed.....I could lose a lot of memories-an-and would have trouble remembering things often of times" She leaned beer shaking body to his warm once. It gave her warmth and comfort, but still it didn't stop her from crying.

"Is that why you've forgotten June's birthday?" He asked softly and tenderly as if Shang would break.

"M-maybe..." She sniffed, snaking her shivering arms on Jin's waist, making him wrap his large hands around her small frame.

" Come with me....we could go to America and remove it...we could cure you there" Jin offered to make the female shake her head.

"I don't want to abandon June.....yet I can't bring her with me considering with my state..... I don't know what to do...." She cried out, not caring that she was getting Jin's jacket wet and he didn't mind.

"Does he know?"


"Then we could bring June with us.....but Jungkook can give her the things she needed. He can take care of her..... Don't worry we'll fly back to Korea as soon as you're cured, you can see June and take care of her with good health, I can help you, Jungkook and the rest will help you" he stared at her eyes with intense passion. He can't stand and see his loved one weak, it hurt his heart to see Shang in a state like this.

" I'm scared- what if the procedure fails? What if they can't rem-"

"Don't you dare say those words...don't think things like that I'm begging you" After Jin said that, they fall into complete silence only admiring their eyes and feelings for each other's presence." Now let's go tell Jung-"



"FUCK ME JUNGKOOK!!!" A hiss was heard on the phone as Jungkook kept the screaming voice low, far from the guest's ears. He watched June smiling happily at the gift she's open completely unaware of where her parents are.  "I swear I was on the fucking mall!!! I was fully conscious I was aware but my head must be fucked up!!!" Hani continued to angrily shout in the phone.

"Where are you right now?" He asked.

"I have been on Mr. Kim's base but who fucking cares!? Jungkook you need to fucking leave your house right now! Like fucking right now ASAP!!!"

His heart raised a bit from her words. Why?

" Are you okay? Is he gonna kill you? Please stop cursing!!"

"Bruh I can't!!! Three bombs's been planted in
On your grounds you gonna have to fucking leave your mansion or else you--—Haniii princess I'm her---—-- leave your ground Jung-"

The phone call ended with a weird shouting of despair from Hani's lips. He did not think twice and immediately ordered his men to assist everyone out of his building. Just when he's about to leave the hall with June in her arms and was about to find Shang a loud explosion erupted in the south part of his mansion.

He's fucking doom.


Oh, my gowd Hanss.

I have done something that I thought I would never do. I swear to my life I don't want to have this feelings but fck me I did.

I like someone!

And I  hated it!!!

My mind and heart are debating so hard right now. It wasn't supposed to happen!! But dammmmnnn my heart doubled it's doing! She was supposed to pump blood only but she's been doing summersaults and backdives on a sea of my classmate faces. My heart is messed up in love with him and my mind despised him!

Hellloeeppp mreehhhh

And Just sharing!
I'm gonna turn 15 in September 10!!! Am old now! Lol I know I won't be able to update at ten since I had school so I'm gonna write it here! Anyways advance bday to mehhh

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