Moving On

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Woo-Bin P.O.V

I could feel the warmth from the sun coming through onto my side. With a sigh I slowly sat up with a slight groan at the aching in my body... Looking out the window I saw the layer of snow on the ground. At least the snow storm had stopped. I looking down smiling at Kenzie curled up beside me. What I wouldn't give to be able to just have Kenzie in my arms as we are safe at home.

She sighed cuddling into the blankets more. Leaning down I placed a soft kiss on her bare shoulder.

"Kenzie sweetheart you need to wake up."

She shifted around for a moment before turning over and looking up at me. "Woo-Bin?"

"Come on baby we need to get up and moving."

She groaned again before sitting up the blankets falling to her lap. I couldn't help but let my eyes roam over her. "I can't wait for us to be home."

She leaned over placing her lips on mine a moment before pulling away. "Believe me when we get home I'll probably not let you leave for a week."

I chuckled before getting up and begin getting dressed. Moving to the side I began to load the pack up with everything I could get.

"Woo-Bin! Look another pack."

I looked to see her holding a smaller bag. "That will be great for small supplies."

She moved to side packing everything. In another 20 minutes we were ready. Making sure everything was okay before we set out.

"I am thankful the snow isn't as thick as I thought."

"I know me too." With that we began the hike in the direction of the radio towel I had seen.

Ksenia P.O.V

I lost track of how much time had passed it had to have been a couple of hours since we started our hike.


"Yes love."

"Can we rest a moment?"

He stopped turning to me. "Of course." He sat his pack down and assisted me taking off mine. I sat on a log with a groan.

"You okay?"

I nodded before reaching down and rubbing my calf. "My legs are just sore."

"Here let me." Woo-Bin reached down grabbing my legs rubbing the calves. "How does that feel?"

I groaned my head falling back. "Oh that feels so good."

Woo-Bin leaned over kissing my lips."I promise baby as soon as we are home I am locking us in Song Manor for a week and I will message every part of you."

I reached up rubbing his shoulders wincing at the knots I felt. "An I will do the same for you." I kissed him again before standing up. "We need to keep going." He nodded in agreement, so getting our packs we started out again.

Song Jung-Woo P.O.V

"Did you find them?" The man called Deker walked up.

"Sorry I didn't."

Chubo walked up. "Sir we found the room they were being held in."


Before I could move Alex walked up. "You don't want to go down there."

I felt the terror course through me. "Are they?"

"No they are not here. But something went on there is a trail of dead bodies doing from what looks like Kristoff's room to a cell were they were being held."

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