Jan-Di Strikes back!

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Ksenia P.O.V

The next day I was heading to the science class to meet Jan-Di when  heard the laughter from inside.

Going in I saw the 3 bimbos standing beside Jan-Di who was looking at rags on her desk. But when I saw one girl open a perfume bottle an pour it over her desk. I had enough.

Storming into the room I reached up and slammed the 3 bimbos heads together.


"Maybe if I shove you 3 together hard enough I'll form a decent human being instead of 3 sluts." The class laughed as they huffed.

"I've had enough." Jan Di grabbed a towel storming out. I followed behind her knowing where she was going. Sure enough we ended up in the F4 lounge.

"Speak of the devil. Didn't I tell you she was going to come sooner or later?"

I saw Ji-Hoo watching Jan-Di as if he would jump in if anything happened. As I crossed my arms i noticed Yi-Jung and Woo-bin watching me as if seeing what I was doing. Oh they were in for it. Jan-Di was furious. She's gonna  surprise this bastard.

"You're a bit late for saying sorry."

"This is the end of my patience! Warning, stop! Those sort of words are for you. Do you know that?"

Jun-Pyo looked board. "Hey, laundry girl, do your neighbors apologize this way?"

I saw the fire in Jan-Di's eyes so I took a few steps back. The other three guys noticed that.

"In your neighborhood, does the victim apologize ti the wrongdoer?" She tossed the perfume soaked rags at his face. Everyone looked stunned.

Jun-Pyo stood up. "What?" As he walked to Jan-Di she balled up he fists and planted her feet. Jun-Pyo looked stunned. "You. What are you doing?"

Jan-Di was ready. "Didn't I tell you? This is the end of my patience. I told you, you jerk, I told you! Ah!" I watched as she jumped spinning to kick Jun-Pyo in the face knocking him back into his chair.

As Jun-pyo looked up  as Jan-Di advanced on him. "Did you see me? Did you ever see me sleeping with a guy, even holding hands with one? Did you see me? I'm an untouched virgin , who hasn't even kissed anyone. And you're going to do what? She stomped closer grabbing  rag. "You!" She threw the rag on his head.

I noticed Yi-Jung and Woo-Bin laughing even Ji-Hoo was smiling. Jun-Pyo ripped the rg off his head looking at Jan-Di in disbelief.

Jan-Di leaned closer. "If you keep going on like this, you're dead meat next time!"

She back away before turning, I patted her shoulder. "Good Kitty!" Jan-Di left the room.

I heard the other three laughing their asses off. Jun-Pyo was still in disbelief.

I moved forward leaning over Jun-Pyo. "Now you see what she is capable of." I turned to leave.

"kenz!" I turned to see Woo-Bin with a folded piece of paper between two fingers. "Catch!" He flicked his wrist throwing it at me.

I caught the paper putting it in my pocket. As I walked up the stairs I pulled the paper out an unfolded it. "What?" There in two separate handwriting was Woo-Bin and Yi-Jung's names plus their phone numbers. They gave me their numbers! I gently folded the paper putting it back in my pocket deciding I'l text them tonight so they'll have my number.... It's only fair... right?

Woo-Bin P.O.V

Later after schol we were in out hangout messing around. Yi-Jung and I were playing pool as Ji-Hoo sat at the bar messing with his tarot cards. Jun-Pyo sat on the couch smirking at himself.

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