Unsure about things!

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Ksenia P.O.V

I sat at the table at the porridge shop waiting for Jan-Di and Ga-Eul to get off work. They were talking about Ha Jae Kyung. No mater what they said I didn't like her and wouldn't give her a chance. I know I was being rude and I knew it was all Jun-Pyo and his mothers fault but I would not let my resolve waver.

Master was busy talking to them when I got up to take my bowl to the back.

"Ga-Eul... Water!"

"Me too."

I rushed around to see Jae Kyung standing there smiling while Woo-bin and Yi-Jung were slumped on their chairs.

Ga-Eul looked over at them. "What's going on with you guys?"

I went to their side looking them over as they told their stories of their day with the devil woman. But when it got to the part of Woo-Bin trying to charm her I moved away from them sitting to the side and crossing my arms. I saw how Woo-Bin looked at me but I didn't care....

"Who's this?"

I looked up to see Jae Kyung looking at me with a smile. She moved forward with her hand out. "Hi I'm Ha Jae Kyung."

Jan-Di looked at me. "Unnie this is my Uijamae Ken...."

I stood up. "It's none of her business who I am." Jae Kyung looked at me with a frown.


"Kenz!" I looked over at Woo-Bin who looked shocked,

I looked at the guys before looking at Jan-Di and Ga-Eul. "I'll see you guys later." I glared at Jae Kyung. "It's suddenly unpleasant to be here." Walking by my shoulder bumped into her as I left.

~Time Skip~

It was later that day and I saw at the park practicing when Jae Kyung decided to confront me again....

"What do you want?"

"Why don't you like me?"

I ignored her as I turned my fist going up.

"What did I do to make you not like me."

Continuing to ignore her I brought my fists to my waist before kicking up.

"Jan-Di and Ga-Eul like me. They think I am a good Unnie."

"Good go hang out with them.... But remember Jan-Di is my Uijamae so be careful around her."

As I went to punch up she grabbed my wrist. I pushed her away my fists clinched. "Don't grab me.... Don't even touch me."

"You are really rude.... Jan-Di said your were a loving person."

"I'm not to an outsider.."

Jae Kyung frowned but what happened next surprised me. I went to punch out and she grabbed my wrist. I glared before having to duck when she threw a punch. So this little prissy wanted to fight me.... She would regret it.

Releasing my anger I rushed her throwing punch and kick after another and I was surprised that she blocked my every move even countering with some of her own. I was on alert to make sure she didn't get through my defense.

We were at it at least another 30 minutes before I had it. "That's enough!"

She backed away and after we shared a look we both sat heavily on the ground.... I had to hand it to her. She was 'something....

"I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you before we met."

I sighed realizing that I was being rude to someone who had no control over what happened. "It's okay it isn't your fault." I got up holding my hand out helping her to her feet.

"Why did you not like me?"

Her asking made me realize she probably didn't know about Jun-Pyo and Jan-Di so I decided on the half truth. "Jun-Pyo is like my brother and I was furious that his evil mother is making him do this.." I looked at her with a sigh. "It's nothing on you but I know my brother and I know he would never agree to marry someone he doesn't love."

She sighed looking down. "I understand..... But..."

I froze. "But what?"

"He is a funny guy... An nice..."

I looked her over with a sigh. I had an idea of where this was going.... I had a flash of Ji-Hoo. "Jae Kyung take my advice don't fall in love with Jun-Pyo it will lead to nothing but heartache for you."

My phone rang getting my attention."Excuse me a moment." I saw it was Xang. "Hello?"

"Kenz. How fast can you get to the bridge."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Your friend Woo-Bin is there.. He is just mindlessly leaning against the rail."

"What?" I hung up looking at Jae Kyung. "I have something to do I'll see you later."

She grabbed my arm. "I have a car let me drop you off."

"Thank you."

She lead me to the car and drove me to the bridge. My mind was racing. What was Woo-Bin doing there. I hope he wasn't going to do something stupid.

"Here we go."

I jumped out looking back. "Thanks." SHe had dropped me off at the end of the bridge. I ran down till I saw him leaning against the rail his eyes unfocused.

"SONG WOO-BIN! What are you doing?"

He jumped before looking at me."Kenzie what are you doing here?"

"Me? What are you doing here? Nothing stupid I hope."

He smiled before grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his arms wrapping his arms around me tightly. "No I'm not. I was just remembering a time when I was in a bad place and Yi-Jung came to remind me of my brothers."

I sighed wrapping my arms around his waist. We stayed like that for a few moments before I pulled back.... Looking him over and thinking how the last few months were I felt ready for Woo-Bin to know about my family.

"Hey Woo-Bin?"


I took his hands in mine. "I think I am ready for you to learn about my family."

He stood straight. "Are you sure?"

I nodded... " Will you allow me to drive your precious Lotus."

He smirked. "I don't know."... I stepped on his foot. "Okay okay."

He got into the passenger seat and I in the driver. After making my way back into traffic I headed home my heart racing. How will he act when he learns I've been keeping my identity from him all this time. Will he be mad or....

As I turned on the road leading to the Estate I took a deep breathe.... Here we go.


Sorry for this crazy chapter I was having s brain fart on some of the time lines not to mention I was excited to get moved on to the more interesting part.

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you next time.


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