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Woo-Bin P.O.V

I gently sat Kenzie down making sure she was okay. Her eyes were half closed and she was shivering.. I needed to get her warmed up. Looking through the pack she had I found a few things we could use... Thank goodness one of those things was a small axe. Making my way out of the cave I went to the woods and began to cut some wood. After getting a good bit I went back inside the cave and quickly built a fire.

Once the fire was going I turned my attention to Kenzie. Gently moving her closer to the fire I unzipped her jacket pulling it from her shoulders.

"What are you doing?"

"Kenzie we are both wet and it's cold. We need to warm up."

"Now isn't the time for that Woo-Bin."

I gave a small chuckle. "I promise once we are home safe I'll warm you in a different way. I am worried about our health right now."

"I'll undress myself."

"Okay. I'll set up the blanket." As she undressed I set up the sleeping bag and blanket near the fire before undressing myself. Turning I saw Kenzie was already under the blanket, moving over I slid under the blanket behind her wrapping my arms around her.

~Time Skip~

"Woo-Bin! Help!"

I was held back by 3 men outside in a hallway as I could hear Kenzie scream inside... "Kenzie!!! Leave her alone!"

I could hear the laughter from inside as Kenzie screamed. I struggled against the men holding me but I couldn't move.

After what seemed like forever the door opened to Kristoff walking out. "Bring him inside."

I was dragged inside and I wanted to die. Kenzie was on the bed. She was black and blue all over and she had her throat slit.


I shot up breathing hard panicking. Turning I saw Kenzie asleep beside me facing the fire. Pulling the blanket back I looked her over. She had a few bruises on her arms and shoulders but as I looked her over I took the time to see all the scars on her body in a new light. As soon as we get home I plan on kissing every single bruise and scar on her.

Covering her up I gently kissed her cheek before getting up. Grabbing my now dry clothes I grabbed the axe and a knife before leaving to get more wood. On the way back I saw a stream with looks like trout swimming up. Grabbing a stick I quickly carved it into a spear before standing near the stream.

I waited almost 10 minutes before stabbing into the water....


I pulled out the stick and smiled at the large fish I had on the end... Perfect we needed something to eat before we started to move.

Ksenia P.O.V

The smell of cooking food made my stomach rumble. I couldn't remember the last time I ate. I sighed turning pulling the blanket over me more.

"Come on Kenzie you need to get up."

"Five more minutes."

I felt a hand in my hair before soft lips touched mine. "I wish I could love but we need to get moving before they find us."

I sat up nodded. "Your right." I looked up to see a smirk on Woo-BIn's face as he looked down. I remembered I wasn't wearing clothes. I smacked his shoulder making him jump.


"Not the time!"

He smiled before leaning closer and giving me a quick kiss. "I know. But it made you smile." He handed me my clothes as he pulled a fish off the fire. "We'll have to use our fingers but it's protein and it'll keep us going."

I nodded and we both dug in eating with gusto. He must be as hungry as I was. One fish wouldn't be enough to fill us but I knew it was enough to keep us going.

After eating he put out the fire as I packed up. "Let me carry the pack."

I shook my head. "I can get it."

He took the pack from my hands. "Please."

I nodded before removing the crossbow and arrows securing them to my thigh. "Any idea were we go?"

He lead me out of the water fall and around the bank. " When I was out getting food I noticed there was a cabin down in the valley. Must be a rangers station. Hopefully someone is there that can help if not then it can provide shelter. Not to mention they are usually equipped with radios."

I nodded looking around the woods. " It's so still, like everything is bracing itself for something."

He pointed behind us. "Probably whatever is coming in with those dark clouds. With this cold I worry it'll be a snow storm. We need to at least make it to the cabin."

"Okay." With his hand in mine he lead the way.

~Time Skip~

I saw so tired.... I was thankful for Woo-Bin taking the pack... I could feel the sweat pouring down my neck as we continued to hike.

"Woo-Bin I'm tired."

He pulled me to his side. I could see he was heavily breathing. "I know I am to. But we are almost there."

"We'll never be there."

He stopped taking my face in his hands. "Don't talk like that. We are stronger together and we will beat this." I nodded as he lead the way again...

It was another 30 minutes and I felt like I was going to fall out, my eyes couldn't stay open.

"Kenzie! Look!"

I looked up and cried out in relief. There through the trees I could see a small cabin in the distance. "We're here."

Woo-Bin pulled me into his arms kissing the side of my head. "Lets get inside and see if there is any help."

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