Reunited? What!!!

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Ksenia P.O.B

I sat on the couch staring off into space letting my mind wonder. Ji-Hoo had came to me telling me he had found were Jan-Di had hid to. When I had said I would go with him to get her. He had kissed my forehead and told me to worry about myself and my little one he would bring Jan-Di back he promised.

So here I sat looking out the window So-Young was already in bed. She needed her sleep being Alex and Jun-Hee was taking her out tomorrow to spend the day. He wanted to have time to get to know his new niece. Speaking of Alex and Jun-Hee I was still surprised to learn the Jun-Pyo's sister was the woman my brother was in love with.

"Kenzie!" I jumped as strong arms wrapped around me. "Everything okay?"

I smiled leaning into Woo-Bin's arms as he pulled me closer to him. "I'm good just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"My brother and Jun-Hee."

He chuckled. "That was something I didn't expect either. Buy hopefully they can make each other happy."

"I'm sure they will be." He looked me in the eyes. "What is bothering you?"

I leaned into his arms. "You could always read me..... I'm wishing I went with Ji-Hoo to get my sister."

He kissed the side of my neck. "You know he will bring her back safe."

"I know but I have a bad feeling something is gonna happen."

"What do you mean?"

I rubbed my chest trying to push the tingling out of my chest. "I don't know I just have a feeling".

Next thing I knew Woo-Bin had me in his lap and was slowly rubbing my shoulders. "Don't think about it. I know you, you will worry to much."

With a sigh I leaned my head against his chest listening to his heartbeat." Your right."

He rubbed the back of my neck, "You feeling any better then this morning?"

I sighed thinking about how I had woken up this morning not feeling well. I had ran to the bathroom and immediately gotten sick." Yeah I am feeling better."

He kissed my forehead gently rocking us."Good you had me worried."

We sat there for about an hour just holding each other and letting our worries settle to the back of our mind. We laid in out bed my head on his chest as well talked about So-Young who was currently spending the night with Uncle Alex. I sighed feeling his hand rub up and down my spine.

"Where is Grandfather tonight?"

"He had a business meeting in Japan he flew out this morning." He leaned over me smirking. "We have the house to ourselves till tomorrow afternoon."

As he leaned down to kiss me but his phone went off. With a groan he rolled over and answered his phone. I sat up with a sigh and froze seeing his body language change. "Woo-Bin?"

He hung up the phone and turned to me. "We need to get to the hospital!" He jumped up and started to get dressed. I moved and grabbed his arm.

"What's wrong?"

He sighed and took my shoulders in his hand. "That was Ji-Hoo, someone tried to run over Jun-Pyo. He's hurt bad!"

I felt my throat close. "No!"

Woo-Bin pulled me into his arms. "Let's get there so we can check on him." I moved and quickly got dressed.

Woo-Bin's P.O.V

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