F4 meet Shin Segi

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Ksenia P.O.V

Well I didn't really see Shin Segi most of the day. The last class was finishing as the bell rang. Smiling to Jan-Di we walked out to see F4 standing talking. I walked over elbowing Jun-Pyo.

"How was your guys day?"


Yi-Jung draped his arm over my shoulder. "How was playing hostess?"

I blushed thinking about Shin Segi's smile. "It was good. Alex's friend is nice."

Woo-Bin flicked my cheek. "Then what's the blush for."

I thought quickly. "Just thinking of the embarrassing stories Alex tried to tell."

Anything else I said was drowned out as the girls started screaming swarming the door. I had a feeling of who they screamed for.

"I'm gonna get something from my locker be right back." I hurried to my locker grabbing my books.

"Well.... well.. if it isn't F4's little whore!"

I spun with a gasp to see the idiot who attacked me. "What do you want?"

He backed me up against the lockers boxing me in. "I want what you're freely giving others?"

I went to move he put his hand on my chest holding me there. "Your friends can't help you."

That is what he thought I could see from the corner of my eye F4 pushing through the crowd to get to me. But it wasn't them who came to my rescue.

The idiot was pulled away before he was slammed against the lockers by....

"Shin Segi!" I watched as Segi spun the idiot around punching him in the face. When he fell Segi grabbed his collar before punching him again. If I don't stop him he'll kill him.

Moving forward I grabbed Segi's arm. "Please Shin Segi. That's enough I don't want you to get in trouble your first day."

He looked at me as if contemplating before turning back to Min-Chul. "If you ever touch her again will come back and break every single piece of your bone." He turned to me taking a hold of my chin with his fingers. "Are you okay?


He placed a hand on my back. "Now let me get you back to your friends before they break me in half."

Woo-Bin P.O.V

My eyes stayed on Kenzie as he went to her locker. It was a good 30 feet away.

"Woo-Bin do you know anything about the new guy?"

I turned to Jun-Pyo. "No thought I suspect...."

Yi-Jung grabbed my arm. "Kenzie!" I turned to see Kenzie being pressed against the lockers by.....

"That bastard! He's the one who attacked her." We stormed forward shoving our way through but froze when someone got to her first.

We watched new guy slam Min-Chul into the lockers before punching him again and again. Kenzie had to physically stop him. But when he took her face in his hands i growled intending to surge forward but Ji-Hoo and Jun-Pyo grabbed my arms.

The new guy put his hand on Kenzie's back leading her toward us. WHen she got close Yi-JUng hugged her.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Ji-Hoo looked at new guy. "Thank you."

New guy smirked toward Kenzie. "It was no trouble. Though I hear Kenzie can handle herself pretty well."

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