Here we go!

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Ji-Hoo P.O.V.

I raced down the hall my heart hammering in my chest as I followed the others. Woo-Bin ran in the front followed by Jun-Pyo and then Yi-Jung was beside me. We had been at the club house visiting while Jun-Pyo was in town when Woo-Bin received the panic filled phone call. We stopped at the nurses station Woo-bin leaning over

"Ksenia Wolfe?"

"What relation?"


The nurse looked at her computer. "She is down the hall in room 258."

"Thank you."

Patting Woo-Bin on the shoulder I lead the way. "Lets go." We rushed down the hall toward the room. Getting there we paused as we heard the voice from inside.

"I don't give a shit I want my husband as soon as he gets here."

"Ma'am it is advised against having anyone in here for a little bit."

"You either do as I say or my brother Jun-Pyo will have you fired. I need him and my brothers. I will not do this alone."


I pushed open the door. "You'll do as she says. Now get out."

Woo-Bin P.O.V

For the first time in over an hour I was able to take a deep breathe every since we got the call from Ga-Eul that Kenzie's water had broke . I had raced faster then I ever had to get to my wife. On the way Yi-Jung had called my grandfather as well as her family to let them know... Thank goodness her father was still in town from Alex's wedding.... Yes Alex's wedding. Apparently he and Jun-Hee decided to not let anything else get in their way of being happy anymore. I was just ready to be with my wife as she struggled.

Yes I did say wife. After we found out she was pregnant and after we told everyone we decided to go ahead and have the wedding. It took the girl 2 months to plan but it had turned out to be quite an event. Grandfather and Alex had set up top security during the day to make sure no one would bother us. But word got out that the Legend and Song heirs were getting married and the time before the wedding both Grandfather and Alex had received so much mail about the union. There were many how were excited a few that were afraid and then there were a couple, one being Kristoff's father, who was against the union and said they would do anything in their power to make sure it doesn't happen.

I remember being so nervous not just for the wedding but with the thought of so many trying to hurt us. I remember 2 days before the wedding before going to my bachelor's party when me and Kenzie were having a picnic close to home a few people tried to force their will on us.


We were laughing as we thought about how much the guys were pulling their hair out trying to get the wedding ready.

"Its funny I was the last they would believe to get married."

Kenzie had leaned closer giving me a kiss. "I'm just glad we were able to have this before I really started showing."

I had leaned over kissing her rubbing my hand on her stomach. "As am I cause we can have a wedding night."

"Woo-Bin!" She had smacked my shoulder.

"Song Woo-Bin! Ksenia Wolfe!"

We turned to see 3 men walk into the clearing 2 of them holding guns. We jumped to our feet. I had reconized one of the men being from another family in Korea. I had put Kenzie behind me. I knew she could defend herself but she was pregnant and I didn't want her to get hurt.

F4's Little Wolf (Boys over Flowers)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin