Wake Up!

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Woo-Bin P.O.V

We stopped on a side street before getting out a handful of my boys following us. We stopped at the alley entrance. Looking at the building here the bastard was I saw about 5 or 6 guys outside.

Yi-Jung moved closer. "I count 5."

"Who knows how many are inside." A roar of an engine caught our attention. Turning we saw a black motorcycle stop and the rider get off.

"Kenzie!" She dropped her helmet her eyes glued to the building.

"What's she doing?"

"I don't know."

Kenzie began walking at a steady pace toward the building. I saw the men notice her before grabbing bats and crowbars intending to stop her. I wasn't gonna stand by and watch them hurt her. I went to move forward before one of my men held me back.

"Wait young master." I watched while being restrained as the men rushed her. Kenzie eyes stayed forward as her hands reached inside the coat.

Next thing I knew 3 of the men were on the ground with throwing stars in their bodies.But when I saw someone try to swing at her with a crowbar I had enough. Breaking the hold of my men I stepped forward. "Get them!"

My boys knew better then to not listen to me, so they surged forward overtaking the remaining men.

Kenzie ignored all that was going on around her and went for the building. I ran toward her Yi-Jung calling out.

"Beck said wait!"

I ignored him as I caught up with Kenzie. "Kenzie!" As I grabbed her arm she turned swinging at my head. I ducked before catching her wrist. "Kenz! It's me!" She struggled in my hold before trying to take me out with the other hand. I grabbed it an looked at her face. Her eyes seemed clouded like she wasn't in control. What was going on?

"Kenz it's me! It's Woo-Bin!"

As she struggled I notice her eyes changing they weren't clouded one moment then were the next. She pushed me away before kicking for my head. Always the head! I ducked before reching for her again.

"Kenzie! Snap out of it!" I saw Yi-Jung coming up behind her. "Stop!" I was determined to get through to her. As she went on the offense kicking and hitting toward me I was thankful for those sparing games. I knew her moves.

Block after block and she wasn't slowing. When I noticed a tear on her face it made me hesitate. Bad idea! One of her kick got through hitting me in the face. I stumbled back catching myself before turning back to her. I could taste blood.


Ignoring Yi-Jung I reached forward grabbing one of her arms. "Enough! Kenzie wake up!"

I heard her breath catch an knew it was working. With an idea I let her arm go before grabbing her and pulling her into a tight embrace. She struggled and i held her tighter.

"Kenz please! Wake up! It's us!" She stopped struggling but her body was still tense.

Yi-Jung seeing it working walked up running his hand over her head. "It's Woo-Bin and Yi-Jung! Please wake up Kenzie your safe now! Jan-Di is safe now."

I placed a kiss on her temple holding her there. "Please come back to us!..... Back to me!" With that I felt her body go limp as the sobbing started. As I tightened my arms Yi-Jung put his arm around her as well.

"It's okay."

Her arms wrapped around me holding tightly "I'm sorry."

I signed thankful she was back. "There is nothing to be sorry about." She cried harder. I looked to Yi-Jung I didn't like seeing Kenzie so broken.

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