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(Just imagine the picture is Woo-Bin and Kenzie.)

Ksenia P.O.V

I straightened up from grabbing a key from the mans waist who was at my feet. Going to the next room I opened the door to what is the armory. Going to the wall I grabbed a couple of knives strapping them to my legs before grabbing a crossbow. Reaching out I grabbed a pack stuffing weapons and supplies inside before leaving. I was going to take Woo-Bin back home if it killed me or not. But as I went to turn a corner I stopped as I heard two men talking.

"Chekov went already?"

"Yes. Boss told him to come and deliver the ring to convince the woman."

"Hope it was worth it. It was hard getting that off the bastard." He cracked his knuckles. "Ready to go give him another dose?"

The other man chuckled. "Who knew the grandson of the great Jung-Woo was so tough to keep taking the beatings and not die."

NOT DIE!!! WOO-BIN WAS ALIVE! I felt my chest hurt as I tried to take a breath. Woo-Bin was alive! I glared down the hall. The bastard tricked me. He tried to break me telling me the man I love was gone. I had to find Woo-Bin.

As they moved away I kept to the shadows following the men. I prayed when I found Woo-Bin he was okay. They walked down the hall before turned onto another hallway. As I saw them pass another man I hung back waiting for them to get out of sight before I fired the crossbow taking out the man.

Quickly moving forward I looked around the corner and couldn't see the men.... I lost them! I silently moved down the hall keeping my ears to the walls trying to find them again... I walked for another 5 minutes before I heard it.

"Where is Kenzie?" My heart swelled at the sound of his voice.

"The boss is having his fun with her."

"You bastards." I winced when I heard the hit... How dare they hit him!

Moving closer I peeked around the corner seeing the two men standing in front of Woo-Bin who sat on the floor his arms bound behind him. I could see the blood on his head and it made me see red. How dare they hurt him.

As one went to raise his fist I raised the crossbow and fired hitting him in the neck. When the other turned I fired hitting him in the chest.

"Kenzie!" Woo-Bin looked up.

"Woo-Bin!" I ran in falling to my knees wrapping my arms around him.

"Kenzie? Are you okay?"

I nodded grabbing the knife at my side slicing his ropes. I sighed as his arms wrapped around me. I could feel the tears fall down my cheek as I was finally back into his arms.

"I was so scared I'd never see you again."

Woo-Bin gently stroked my head before fulling back and giving me a quick kiss. "It's okay we are together..."

Standing up I helped him to his feet taking the key off the dead guard unlocking his shackle. "Come on we have to get out of here."


"I don't know. I shot him but I didn't stay around to make sure he was dead."

Woo-Bin took my hand and lead me outside. "We need to get out of here."

I pulled on his hand toward another corridor. "I saw a way out down this hall." Leading him down the hall I stopped as I come to the door. "Wait there are two men guarding the exit."

I felt Woo-Bin hand slid around my waist taking a knife from my belt. "You take the one on the left and I'll take the one on the right."

I nodded following his lead moving forward pulling the other knife from my belt. At his signal I jumped the man knocking him out. Turning I saw Woo-Bin taking the man's jacket and weapons before taking my hand and pushing the door opened. My breathe caught as I saw the vast woods before us. "Woo-Bin!"

Before he could answer a alarm sounded inside.. "Come on!" He pulled on my hand and we ran into the woods. I could hear the yelling in the distance. They knew we were gone and they were coming for us. We pushed her legs to go quicker.

Woo-Bin P.O.V

I pulled Kenzie with me as I pushed myself forward. I had to get her away and keep her safe. We ran up the steep incline weaving through the trees. I didn't know how far behind me they were but I could hear them.

"Ow!" Kenzie fell over a branch.

I pulled her to her feet. "Come on."

She was trying to catch her breathe. "Woo-Bin I don't think I can run anymore."

"Yes you can." She took another breathe before we took off again.

We ran for another 10 minutes before we slid to a stop. "Woo-Bin what do we do now?"

I looked at the gorge in front of us. It was at leave 40 feet across an there was a 20 feet drop to a river below.. We were trapped.

"Get them!!"

I turned back seeing about 20 men in the forest coming toward us. I grabbed her hands making her look at me. "Do you trust me?"

She looked at the approaching men then back at me. "With my life."

I pulled her closer kissing her quickly before turning and jumping off the cliff pulling her with me. I braced myself for the cold water. As we landed I was thankful there was no rocks but the calmness quickly changed. The river had a strong undercurrent. I broke the surface helping pull Kenzie up both of us gasping for breathe.The river followed quickly taking us down. I worked at keeping not only my head but Kenzie's as well.


I looked up at Kenzie's yell. There in front of us was a waterfall. "Swim Kenzie swim." We tried to swim to the side but the current was to strong... Our screams echoed as we went over the falls.

I could feel the pain as I landed. Using my arms I swam to the surface catching my breathe. "We made it Kenz." I turned and frowned. I couldn't see her."Kenzie!" Taking a deep breathe I dived down seeing her struggling with the heavy pack she wore. Swimming down I grabbed the pack pulling it from her shoulders before pushing her to the surface.

Using my feet I propelled myself to the surface gasping for breathe. "Are you okay?"

"yeah." We swam to the back pulling ourselves out of the freezing water. "Woo-Bin! Look!"

I turned to look were Kenzie was pointing. There behind the waterfall was a cave... "It could provide protection come one." Helping her to her feet we made out way to the hidden cave.

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