The Basilisk!

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Ksenia P.O.V

I pulled up outside of the tattoo parlor. Shutting off the bike I pulled off my helmet sitting it on the seat as I got up. Heading inside I put my hands in my pocket my eyes scanning the room.

"Yes ma'am How can I help you?"

I sat the photo of the tattoo on the counter." I need information about the individual with this tattoo."

He looked at the picture before looking up."I haven't see it before ."

I sighed before reaching into my coat and pulling out a stack of large bills sitting it down. "Maybe this will jog your memory."

He rubbed his chin a moment. "I remember now."

"I want everything you got on him."

He wrote something down. "All I have is his name and place of business." He held out the paper.

I took it. "Pleasure doing business with you." As I went to leave 3 men walked in.

"Hello there pretty lady." They came up grabbing my arms.

The guys behind the counter got mad. "You three get out. You were banned."

The guy to my right touched my hair. "But we wanted to meet the pretty lady."

I huffed my patience growing thin. "I suggest you leave, you've no idea who you're messing with."

The guys laughed as I was fed up. In a surge I thrusted my arm up elbowing the two holding me in the throat. Once free I reached inside my coat grabbing a knife and holding to to the others throat.

"You know of the Legend clan? Yes?"

He nodded. I see he was scared. "Good. You see I'm the Basilisk," his eyes widened in terror," So either get out of my sight, or my fangs will taste your blood."

He nodded. "Yes ma'am we'll go." He and his buddies ran out. I bowed to the owner before leaving. Looking at the paper, it seems my next stop was a popular club.

Woo-Bin P.O.V

We stopped outside the tattoo parlor my eyes scanning the area. I had hoped to see Kenz, but maybe I was wrong. Me and Yi-Jung walked in and the man at the counter froze.

"What can I do for you today?"

I sat the picture down. "Name!"

He shook his head. "Don't know."

Sitting my hat down I pulled out my wallet before pulling down a stack of large bills. It was strange the guy immediately  had the paper ready snatching up the bills. Yi-Jung grabbed the photo and paper before we went to leave.

"Are you working with the woman?"

We froze before turning. "Woman?"

"She was in here about an hour ago wanted the same information."

I noticed the camera. "Show me the footage." When he hesitated I growled. "Now!"

He lead us to the side room and pulled up the surveillance footage.  I watched the door open. "kenzie!" There was something dangerous about her. She wore all black, even a long black coat with a interesting design on the back. I watched her place the picture on the table and the guy telling her no. I surprised as she pulled out a wad of money and lay it on the counter. She seemed o know what she was doing. When she got the paper she turned to leave 3 guys walking in and..... The video stopped.

I glared at the man. "Why did you stop it?"

"That's when she left."

I sighed before grabbing the man by the throat. "Your lieing. Play the video."

"Yes sir." He did as instructed an  I let go. We watched the 3 men grab Kenzie. She said a few words before exploding hitting the guys holding her before pulling something out of her coat going for the last guy. My jaw dropped as she held a deadly looking knife to the man throat. I never though I would see sweet Kenzie so lethal looking. She spoke words to the man before they fled. We watched her get on her bike and leave.. I turned to Yi-Jung.

"Let's go. We may catch her."

Ksenia P.O.V

I glared at the man in front of me. "You see you will tell me where to find this man."

"I can't"

I got up looking down at the club. "It would be bad if something happened to this club."


I grabbed the metal statue beside me before turning and slamming against the owners face. He fell to the floor with a cry. If I was my normal self I probably would have done a different route to get the information but the Basilisk was in control, and she was protecting her sister.

Moving to the creep I grabbed his shirt. "Tell me where he is!"

"I don't know."

"Wrong answer!" My fists connected with his already bruised face. "Where?"

"I don't know."

I gave a couple more punches before delivering a few to his stomach. "Where is he?"

"Alright.... I'll tell you!"

Yi-Jung P.O.V

Woo-Bin and I sat int he VIP booth waiting for the owner.

"Do you think she came here yet?"

Before I could answer the owner walked over. When I saw his face I turned to Woo-Bin. "She's been here!"

The owner nodded to us. "I'm sorry for making you wait gentleman, I had an accident."

Woo-Bin looked and me, We both knew it was no accident it was Kenzie.

He sat. "How can I help you?"

"Byung-Chul! Tell us where to find him."

The owner flinched. "I don't know."

I leaned forward, "If you don't hand him over we'll have to shut you down."


Woo-bin leaned back. "Won't take us a week."

The owner groaned. "Okay." He handed over a paper. "Just to warn you he has men guarding him."

I froze. "Why?"

"There was a violent woman looking for him. "He smiled. "She'll be walking right into a trap."

Woo-Bin was up and holding the guy by the shirt snarling at him. "What did you do?"

"I made a few calls. He is protected an she'll be stopped."

I jumped up. "Woo-Bin! Let's go!"

We ran out jumping into the car. "Should we call Beck?"

Woo-Bin P.O.V

"Should we call Beck?" I sighed stomping my foot on the accelerator.

"Yes." Yi-Jung called Beck his voice filly my car.


"Beck it's Woo-Bin."

"Did you find her?"

Yi-jung took out the paper. "We know were she's going." He gave off the address."

"Be there in 15."

I growled. "We're 5 away."

"Woo-Bin listen to me, do not on any circumstance face Kenzie. It's dangerous."


"That's not Kenzie right now. She is in protector mode an she'll not know friend from enemy. I'm the only one in this country who can calm her down."


"Leave her to me." With that he hung up I looked to Yi-Jung images of Kenzie laughing and of times she had with us filled my head.

"Like hell I will." Turning the corner I willed the car to go faster.......

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Just wait and see what happens when they find Kenzie... An how did she get like this.....

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